Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1973 NO. 50 >

An incumbent member of the house of representatives now serving a two-year term to which he was elected in November, 1972, may be a candidate for an unexpired term in the state senate to be filled at the November 6, 1973, general election ‑ as also, may be either a house member thus elected in November of 1972 who later resigned that position to accept appointment to the senate, or a senator or representative now serving as such by appointment under Article II, § 15 (Amendment 52), supra.

AGO 1961 NO. 51 >

The governor, acting through the state department of civil defense in cooperation with the federal office of civil defense and defense mobilization, is authorized to enforce pre‑positioned orders of the United States which would prohibit the sale of food, petroleum and other essential consumer items for five days in the event of an actual attack on this country by hostile forces.

AGLO 1977 NO. 52 >

While the Governor may, in view of the defeat of Referendum No. 40 at the November 8, 1977, general election, terminate the Washington State Women's Council (which was created by an earlier executive order), she is not legally required to do so; instead, she may alternatively elect to continue the Council in existence and permit it to be funded from the legislative appropriation made specifically for use by the Women's Council during the 1977-79 biennium.

AGO 1959 NO. 52 >

(1) Under RCW 51.36.020, and for injuries occurring before June 1951, the department may not repair or replace artificial substitutes or mechanical appliances where the replacement is required because of gain or loss of body weight or due to wear and tear, but either may be replaced where there has been aggravation of the injury requiring additional treatment and as a result thereof the old substitute or appliance is no longer adequate or serviceable.  (2) The term "artificial substitute" as used in RCW 51.36.020 includes artificial eyes, but does not include dentures.  (3) The term "mechanical appliance" as used in RCW 51.36.020 does not include artificial eyes or dentures.  (4) In cases of injuries prior to June 1951, artificial eyes may not be repaired or replaced when worn to the extent of being unserviceable; but may be repaired or replaced in case of injuries occurring subsequent to June 1951.

AGLO 1973 NO. 53 >

The salary applicable to the remainder of an unexpired legislative term filled by election in November, 1973, (as provided in chapter 4, Laws of 1973) will be $3,600 per annum, the same salary as was fixed by law at the commencement of that term.

AGLO 1975 NO. 53 >

The Open Public Meetings Act (chapter 42.30 RCW) is applicable to the council on hearing aids which is provided for by RCW 18.35.150.

AGO 1963 NO. 53 >

If a private forestry firm appraises, pursuant to a contract, the forestry land and timber in a county for tax assessment purposes, the cost must be paid from the assessor's budget and cannot be paid by the schools and junior taxing district on some theory of anticipated benefit.

AGO 1961 NO. 53 >

(1) The board against discrimination has the exclusive authority to administer complaints alleging discrimination because of age. (2) Chapter 49.08 RCW does not authorize the department of labor and industries to adjust differences between employer and employee resulting from discrimination because of age. (3) The department of labor and industries has exclusive authority to approve age limits established by employers or licensing agencies pursuant to § 5, chapter 100, Laws of 1961. (4) Chapter 100, Laws of 1961, prohibits discrimination because of age only with respect to persons between the age of forty and sixty-five years. (5) Chapter 100, Laws of 1961, applies only to those employers who have eight or more employees and are not religious or sectarian organizations organized for private profit.

AGO 1965 NO. 54 >

The administrative discretion vested in the director of general administration with respect to method to be used for satisfying the state's need for insurance and public official bonds under RCW 43.19.1935, may not be delegated to a private insurance agent, broker or association.

AGLO 1976 NO. 54 >

Applicability of RCW 42.23.030 to the lease of moorage space from a port district by one of the members of the port commission; legal consequences of voting by a port commissioner upon a matter in which he is interested as a lessee of moorage space.