Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Senior Fraud

Older adults are often prime targets for dishonest firms which deliberately prey on the goodness, loneliness, financial insecurity, or trusting nature of people who have reached their golden years. Many of these scams are played out over the telephone, door to door or through various advertisements.

Dealing With Death

Designed to help you and your loved ones deal with the "business" processes surrounding a death in the easiest and simplest manner possible.

Medicaid Fraud

Investigates and prosecutes Medicaid provider fraud where the Medicaid program has been falsely billed.

Medicare Fraud

Find tips on how to identify and report Medicare fraud and abuse.

Prescription Drug Prices

Health care costs have skyrocketed over the last several years. Among the hardest hit are senior citizens who often have to stretch their fixed-incomes to fill necessary prescriptions.

File a Medicaid Fraud Complaint

File MFCD Complaint
Phone: (360) 586-8888
Email: MFCUreferrals@atg.wa.gov

Office of the Attorney General
Medicaid Fraud Control Division
PO Box 40114
Olympia, WA 98504
More information on filing complaints