Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1968 NO. 35 >

A county coroner may take a blood sample from a person killed in a traffic accident and submit this sample to the state toxicologist for examination without violating RCW 68.08.105, relating to the confidentiality of reports and records of autopsies or post mortems; however, the state toxicologist has no authority to require any such blood sample to be submitted to him.

AGLO 1978 NO. 35 >

(1) The Washington Supreme Court, acting through the Office of the Administrator for the Courts, is governed by the provisions of RCW 43.105.041(5) which prohibit ". . . agencies and institutions of state government . . ." from acquiring data processing equipment without a delegation of authority from the Washington State Data Processing Authority.

(2) The Data Processing Authority may delegate such authority to the Supreme Court and/or the Office of the Administrator for the Courts under appropriate standards.

(3) While the Supreme Court may adopt its own rules governing the use of data processing equipment within the courts, once acquired, it may not by so doing, supersede the provision of RCW 43.105.041(5) relative to acquisition.

AGO 1971 NO. 36 >

(1) The Washington toll bridge authority resolution authorizing issuance of bonds for the Evergreen Point Toll Bridge does not prohibit the highway commission from reserving a lane of the bridge for exclusive transit use.(2) RCW 47.52.025 authorizing the highway authorities of the state, counties, and cities to regulate, restrict, and prohibit the use of limited access facilities by the various classes of vehicles or traffic empowers the state highway commission to restrict the use of a highway lane across the Evergreen Point Toll Bridge for exclusive transit use.(3) Additional legislation will be required to authorize the highway commission to give preferential use of lanes to cars carrying a specified minimum number of passengers.

AGLO 1976 NO. 36 >

If a public depositary is unwilling to provide the service of cashing or giving credit for state warrants, the state treasurer's office would be legally justified in excluding that depositary from further participation in the time deposit program provided, of course, the same restriction is imposed for any institution unwilling to agree to such a condition.

AGLO 1979 NO. 37 >

Legal ability of a county auditor, with or without the approval of his board of county commissioners and at either county or his own expense, in conjunction with a state or county general election, ". . . to have ballots prepared for the general election which include an advisory popularity poll of ten 'candidates' for the Presidency."

AGO 1963 NO. 37 >

The department of commerce and economic development under chapter 161, Laws of 1963, has the authority (1) to do state comprehensive planning including comprehensive planning as defined in the federal housing act of 1954, as amended; and (2) to receive and expend federal or other funds for such purposes.

AGLO 1976 NO. 38 >

(1) The limitation in RCW 39.58.130 upon public deposits with a particular bank or trust company applies to all funds, in the aggregate, deposited by a county treasurer rather than separately to the funds of each municipality served by such treasurer. (2) The protections of chapter 39.58 RCW extend to all public funds on deposit with qualified depositaries irrespective of the limitations of RCW 39.58.130 and without regard to the reasons attributable to the violation of the statutory restriction.

AGLO 1979 NO. 38 >

Explanation of the extent to which RCW 42.17.350 and RCW 42.17.190, as amended, permit members of the Public Disclosure Commission and its staff to lobby or otherwise communicate with the legislature.

AGLO 1974 NO. 38 >

It would not be unconstitutional under Amendment 61 to the Washington state Constitution for the legislature to amend the state law against discrimination so as to declare certain classifications by sex not to constitute an unfair practice.

AGO 1961 NO. 39 >

Under the provisions of chapter 27, Laws of 1961, boards of county commissioners may adopt such provisions of chapter 19.28 RCW as are necessary for the regulation and control of the installation of electrical wires, equipment, apparatus or appliances, including any rules or regulations relating to such installation as are presently promulgated by the department of labor and industries.