Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1973 NO. 42 >

Funds held in trust for litigants by a county clerk under RCW 36.48.080, when deposited with a "qualified public depositary" under chapter 193, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess., are encompassed within the definition of "public deposits" is § 1 (1) of this 1969 act, as recently amended by § 8, chapter 126, Laws of 1973.

AGO 1961 NO. 42 >

The supervisors of flood control, mineral resources, water resources, reclamation and the executive secretary of the Columbia Basin Commission and executive secretary of the soil conservation committee in the department of conservation are exempt from the provisions of the state civil service law.  The supervisor of power resources is not exempt from the state civil service law.

AGO 1963 NO. 42 >

The fee schedule for shop inspection of boilers is prescribed in chapter 217, Laws of 1963, but the fee for inspection of secondhand or used boilers is controlled by § 33, chapter 32, Laws of 1951 (RCW 70.79.340).

AGLO 1977 NO. 43 >

(1) The Superintendent of the Washington Soldiers' Home is not required by the provisions of § 7, chapter 186, Laws of 1977, 1st Ex. Sess., to grant authorization for all disbursements from the soldiers' home revolving fund which have been approved by the duly constituted body representative of the members. (2) While the Superintendent of the Washington Soldiers' Home is empowered to refuse authorization for a particular disbursement from the soldiers' home revolving fund which has been approved by the duly constituted body representative of the members, the superintendent is not authorized to direct an alternative disbursement scheme or plan to be implemented in its place.

AGO 1963 NO. 43 >

The state aeronautics commission has the authority (1) to sell property located on an emergency airfield granted to the state by the federal government; and (2) to place the proceeds in a special fund from which expenses of improvements on the airfield may be paid when the federal grant of such property requires the proceeds be so expended.

AGLO 1977 NO. 44 >

When appointed pursuant to RCW 46.01.130-46.01.140, a county auditor serves as statutory agent for the state Department of Licensing in connection with the licensing of motor vehicles. The resulting relationship may not be unilaterally terminated by the county auditor even in the event of a work stoppage or strike, or other emergency situation; however, the state director of licensing retains the ultimate responsibility for implementation of the state motor vehicle licensing system together with full authority to exercise requisite control and supervision over county auditors as statutory agents.

AGLO 1975 NO. 44 >

(1) The state superintendent of public instruction may adopt a regulation pursuant to RCW 28A.58.115 defining the term "associated student body funds" in order to identify those moneys of an associated student body which are subject to school district budget laws and other state laws relating to school district funds, including, RCW 43.09.240 and RCW 28A.59.110. (2) The state superintendent of public instruction may also adopt a regulation under RCW 28A.58.115 authorizing school districts to establish one or more ASB petty cash funds into which limited amounts of ASB funds could be transferred from time to time from the school district treasury by warrants made payable to the order of the principal of the school involved as custodian of such fund.

AGO 1959 NO. 44 >

A county sheriff is no longer liable for the acts of his deputies who are in the classified service since the enactment of Initiative 23; but he is liable for acts of his deputies who are not in the classified service.

AGO 1965 NO. 44 >

(1) Under § 6, subsection (3), chapter 150, Laws of 1965, Ex. Sess. (Substitute Senate Bill No. 1) which requires a public official or candidate to report the names of persons, corporations, firms, partnerships or other business associations from whom he receives compensation exceeding a certain specified amount, a legislator who is an attorney engaged in the private practice of law is required to report the name of his firm but is not required to report the names of his individual clients since a lawyer is not an "employee" of a client in the ordinary attorney-client relationship. (2) The first report which must be filed by incumbent public officials subject to the provisions of § 6, chapter 150, Laws of 1965, Ex. Sess. (Substitute Senate Bill No. 1) will cover the period August 6, 1965, through December 31, 1965, since the new act must be construed prospectively.

AGLO 1977 NO. 45 >

It would not now be legal, under RCW 42.17.130, for the funds or facilities of the Washington State Women's Council to be used for the purpose of promoting or opposing Referendum No. 40 at the forthcoming state general election.