Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1963 NO. 39 >

A board of county commissioners has the authority to rent county road equipment to local civil defense organizations of the political subdivisions of this state for civil defense purposes.

AGO 1967 NO. 39 >

The water pollution control commission is authorized, under state law, both to adopt water quality standards for interstate waters within the state of Washington and to enforce those standards

AGLO 1979 NO. 39 >

RCW 40.04.100 does not require that the State Law Librarian furnish a complete copy of all Washington Appellate Reports, including all decisions of the Supreme Court of the State of Washington and all decisions of the Washington State Court of Appeals, for each superior court courtroom regularly used by a superior court judge.

AGLO 1974 NO. 39 >

(1) A board of county commissioners may not rescind a prior appointment of a member of the board of commissioners of a housing authority but it may remove such a member for cause under RCW 35.82.060. (2) Under RCW 35.82.050, a county housing authority commissioner may not also serve as a manager of a housing facility. (3) The prosecuting attorney of a county is required under RCW 35.82.040 to provide legal representation to a county housing authority.

AGLO 1979 NO. 40 >

It is not lawful for the state adjutant general, in view of his outside private employment, to be paid as full compensation for his services as adjutant general an annual salary lower than that prescribed by RCW 38.12.030.

AGLO 1973 NO. 40 >

Extent to which Article II, § 13 of the Washington Constitution, relating to the eligibility of legislators for election or appointment to civil office, has been affected by the adoption of Article XXX, § 1, Amendment 54; criteria to be applied in determining when a legislator will be eligible to be appointed or elected to a civil office which was either created during his legislative term or for which a pay raise was then granted.

AGLO 1974 NO. 41 >

The city of Seattle may not use moneys in its arterial street fund to repay the urban arterial board for state funds expended by that city in the purchase of right-of-way for the now abandoned Bay Freeway project.

AGLO 1979 NO. 42 >

(1) Under RCW 86.16.035 the State Department of Ecology is authorized, in its discretion, to promulgate rules regulating the times when (a) the owner or operator of a "flood control facility" or (b) the owner or operator of any dam or other "water flow control facility" may release impounded water or otherwise alter the stream flow if the released water or altered stream flow might create a danger to life or property downstream.

(2) Under the same statute the Department of Ecology is also authorized to promulgate regulations requiring the notification of persons downstream or the posting of signs prior to the release of impounded water or other alteration in the stream flow by (a) a flood control dam or (b) any dam or water flow control facility when such release or alteration might create a danger to life or property below the dam.

AGO 1959 NO. 42 >

Section 2, chapter 245, Laws of 1959, which removed the requirement that a disability be service connected in order to entitle a veteran to a free hunting and fishing license does not change the measure of disability.

AGLO 1973 NO. 42 >

Funds held in trust for litigants by a county clerk under RCW 36.48.080, when deposited with a "qualified public depositary" under chapter 193, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess., are encompassed within the definition of "public deposits" is § 1 (1) of this 1969 act, as recently amended by § 8, chapter 126, Laws of 1973.