Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1978 NO. 30 >

(1) While the approval of the State Capitol Committee is not required by RCW 43.82.020 in connection with the reallocation of office space assignments as between state agencies within an existing state‑owned building in Thurston County, the committee's approval is required prior to any change in the basic use of such a building or its demolition and replacement by a new facility regardless of when the underlying real estate was acquired by the state.

(2) The term "acquisition," as used in RCW 43.82.020, does not include either the renting or leasing of real estate in Thurston County.

AGLO 1980 NO. 30 >

(1) A county transportation authority established pursuant to chapter 36.57 RCW may not fix a rate of compensation for its members which is less than that fixed by RCW 36.57.030.(2) Consideration of several related questions arising from previous resolutions relating to the compensation payable to members of the Grays Harbor County Transportation Authority.

AGO 1961 NO. 30 >

The enactment of chapter 278, Laws of 1961, affecting the powers, duties and authority of the Washington Toll Bridge Authority and the Highway Commission did not have the effect of putting employees of the Washington State Ferry System under the jurisdiction of the Washington State Personnel Department.

AGO 1983 NO. 30 >

(1) The earliest date upon which the Secretary of State may send a notice of delinquency to a corporation failing to pay its annual license fee is the first day of delinquency; i.e., the day following the last day permitted for timely payment. (2) The minimum amount of time which must elapse before the Secretary of State is to administratively dissolve the corporation for nonpayment of its annual license fee is a period of sixty-five days from the date of mailing the notice of delinquency referred to in RCW 23A.28.125.

AGO 1978 NO. 30 >

Where an information charging criminal conduct by a juvenile offender has been properly filed by the prosecuting attorney as authorized under RCW 13.40.070, the superior court is not authorized then to declare the accused eligible to enter into a diversion agreement pursuant to RCW 13.40.080 rather than adjudicating his or her innocence or guilt.

AGO 1971 NO. 30 >

(1) Section 3, chapter 257, Laws of 1971, 1st Ex. Sess., does not prohibit a person who cannot meet the minimum medical and health standards necessary for membership in the Washington law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system from serving as a county deputy sheriff or from retaining his civil service position or rank under chapter 41.14 RCW.(2) A county deputy sheriff who cannot meet the minimum medical and health standards necessary for membership in the Washington law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system is, if otherwise eligible under RCW 41.40.120, thereby required to participate in the Washington public employees' retirement system if the county by which he is employed is an employer under that system.

AGLO 1976 NO. 30 >

(1) Notwithstanding § 1, chapter 86, Laws of 1973, Ex. Sess., the prosecuting attorney of a fourth class county is still required to serve as ex officio county coroner. (2) Such prosecuting attorney is authorized to appear and defend the county in an action involving alleged misconduct by the coroner or his deputies.

AGLO 1979 NO. 30 >

The Department of Social and Health Services is authorized by the provisions of RCW 43.20A.220, RCW 72.01.050 and RCW 72.64.050, to convert the Cedar Creek Youth Camp from a juvenile facility into a minimum security honor camp for adults.

AGLO 1977 NO. 30 >

The state board for community college education may not use funds from the appropriation contained in § 114, chapter 339, Laws of 1977, 1st Ex.Sess., to fund staff positions in minority affairs in the office of the state board itself.

AGO 1965 NO. 31 >

(1) A county assessor may, within the limits prescribed by RCW 84.40.030 and Article VII, § 2, Amendment 17, Washington State Constitution (assessment of property at fifty percent of its true and fair value in money) increase the level of assessment on all property in his county on a uniform basis although it may not be possible to make a physical inspection or reappraisement of all the property in the county during a single year. (2) A county assessor whose records do not specifically list the 100% market value of properties in the county, but simply the assessed value, may nevertheless make the contemplated adjustment in the level of assessment since full true and fair market value is ascertainable from the information available in his office.