Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1959 NO. 29 >

(1)  A deputy sheriff with a regular commission must be a resident of the county in which he holds such commission. (2)  An elected sheriff may not be appointed a regular deputy sheriff in another county; if he is so appointed he is a de facto officer and is not entitled to compensation from the appointing authority.

AGLO 1981 NO. 29 >

(1) Under the law as it now exists, the Chief of the Washington State Patrol may not promote otherwise qualified minority and female commissioned officers to the line ranks of sergeant and lieutenant referred to in RCW 43.43.330 who do not occupy one of the top three positions on the promotion list noted in RCW 43.43.340. (2) While the Chief may so promote qualified minority and female commissioned officers to the staff ranks of sergeant and lieutenant, he may not then assign them, with those ranks, to line or field command positions.

AGO 1961 NO. 29 >

(1) County funds which are neither transferable without limitation nor not transferable at all may be loaned on a temporary basis to a solvent fund.(2) The responsibility for making the loan is that of the Board of County Commissioners rather than the County Treasurer.(3) Insolvency of the borrowing fund, in the sense of no assured income within the control of the governmental body to which the fund belongs, would preclude the loan being legally made.(4) The permissive duration of a loan from one county operating fund to another may extend beyond the county fiscal period but must not be a permanent transfer.(5) The County Commissioners must charge a stated interest rate per annum to the borrowing or benefited fund.

AGO 1988 NO. 29 >

1.A county may lawfully eliminate its provision of medical, dental, and life insurance benefits to its superior court judges when the judges, who are also state officers, receive similar benefits from the state.2.Where superior court judges as state officers are receiving health and life insurance benefits from the state, a county is not legally required to provide superior court judges with the same type of benefits, whether or not the state benefits are as comprehensive as those offered by the county to its other officers and employees.

AGLO 1976 NO. 29 >

While the "Business Coordination Act" (chapter 68, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess.) will apply to grocers seeking licenses issued by the state pharmacy board, it will only apply in the case of those licenses under the board's jurisdiction which are germane to a grocery operation.

AGO 1972 NO. 29 >

(1) The reports of financial interests which are required from certain candidates for public office and elected officials under § 24 of Initiative No. 276 are to be filed with the Public Disclosure Commission at the office of the secretary of state. (2) The first reports of the financial interests of elected officials reporting as such (and not as candidates) under § 24 of Initiative No. 276 will not be due until January 31, 1974, and these reports will cover the twelve‑month period beginning on January 1, 1973, and ending on December 31, 1973. (3) An individual who holds two or more elected offices, each of which would necessitate his filing a report of financial interests under § 24 of Initiative No. 276 if held separately, need not file separate reports for each such office.

AGO 1965 NO. 29 >

The member of the board of prison terms and paroles designated as chairman is entitled to serve in such capacity only during the term of the appointing governor although he is entitled to continue to serve as member of the board for the fixed term for which he was appointed unless removed for cause under RCW 43.67.020.

AGO 1965 NO. 30 >

Members of the boards of trustees of the state colleges are entitled to reimbursement for expenses incurred in attending board meetings (RCW 43.03.050, RCW 43.03.060); however, the legislature has not authorized the board to establish in addition thereto, payment of compensation to board members for attendance at board meetings.

AGLO 1975 NO. 30 >

(1) The department of emergency services does not presently possess the requisite authority to provide housing sites with utilities, or to make grants of state funds, matched by federal moneys under Public Law 93-288, to persons who have suffered loss due to a natural disaster within the contemplation of this federal act. (2) Any state legislation designed to provide housing sites with utilities, or to make grants of state funds, matched by federal moneys under Public Law 93-288, to persons suffering from loss due to a natural disaster would, under Article VIII, § 5 of the state constitution, have to be so written as to restrict the department, in so doing, to the supplying of such facilities or financial aid only to those disaster victims who are unable, with their own resources, to alleviate their own distress.

AGO 1959 NO. 30 >

1.  RCW 73.16.010, which provides that veterans shall be preferred for appointment and employment in every public department is not applicable to positions covered by Initiative No. 23. 2.  RCW 41.04.010, which provides that veterans shall be given a preference in all competitive examinations for public office, position or employment is applicable to position covered by Initiative No. 23. 3.  Either a "newspaper article" or a "paid legal publication" is sufficient to meet one of the requirements of public notice of civil service examination contained in proposed civil service Rule V, § 1.