Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1972 NO. 19 >

The board of trustees of a community college may not adopt a rule establishing a mandatory retirement age of 65 years for all of its classified civil service employees who are also members of the Washington public employees' retirement system, without regard to the particular jobs which they hold.

AGLO 1981 NO. 20 >

The provisions of chapter 67, Laws of 1981 (Substitute House Bill 101) require that such hearings examiners as are employed by the Employment Security Department's Appeal Tribunal be transferred to the Office of Administrative Hearings on July 1, 1982.

AGLO 1981 NO. 20 >

The provisions of chapter 67, Laws of 1981 (Substitute House Bill 101) require that such hearings examiners as are employed by the Employment Security Department's Appeal Tribunal be transferred to the Office of Administrative Hearings on July 1, 1982.

AGLO 1976 NO. 20 >

The legislature may not allocate, for general state purposes, revenues derived from the local motor vehicle excise tax provided for by RCW 35.58.273-35.58.279 without amending those preexisting substantive statutes.

AGLO 1979 NO. 20 >

(1) When a cold storage facility receives, processes or stores fish caught either within or without the state of Washington, on behalf of others who retain ownership of the fish, that cold storage facility is not obligated to pay or collect either the fish sales tax (RCW 75.32.065) or the privilege fee (RCW 75.32.030).

(2) The exemption from the fish sales tax and privilege fee created by RCW 75.32.065(1) for ". . . frozen food fish . . . packaged for retail sales . . . previously landed in another state, territory or county . . ." does not include fish transported to the state of Washington packaged in ice.

(3) The Department of Fisheries, in collecting taxes and fees due but unpaid, may not administratively waive penalties and interest prescribed by RCW 75.32.101.

AGLO 1973 NO. 20 >

If the legislature provides for salary increases for state elected officials by including such increases in a supplemental appropriation act covering the remainder of the current (1971-73) fiscal biennium, based upon recommendations submitted by the governor under RCW 43.03.045, such salary increases will be valid.

AGLO 1975 NO. 20 >

The Washington State Bar Act (chapter 2.48 RCW) is not unconstitutional by reason of Article XII, § 1 of the Washington state constitution since the State Bar Association is a public agency and not a private corporation.

AGO 1972 NO. 20 >

The records of funds deposited by the commissioner of public lands in approved state depositories, pursuant to RCW 43.85.130 and 43.85.140, are available for public inspection in accordance with RCW 43.88.200.

AGLO 1980 NO. 20 >

The state industrial insurance laws, as presently written, do not permit the State Department of Labor and Industries to issue a certification to two or more employers to self-insure as members of a group, rather than individually.

AGO 1961 NO. 21 >

Agent vendors appointed by the liquor control board under the authority of RCW 66.08.050 (2) are covered by the provisions of the state civil service law.