Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1959 NO. 16 >

Motor vehicles left in storage by other than registered owner in excess of fifteen days is abandoned and must be turned over to the sheriff.  Garage owner failing to do so is guilty of a misdemeanor under RCW 46.64.050 and forfeits his claim for storage.

AGLO 1976 NO. 16 >

A mayor who has been appointed to a county transportation authority under RCW 36.57.030(3) or (4) may continue to serve on the authority so long as he remains a qualified mayor.

AGO 1973 NO. 16 >

A voluntary appearance by a taxpayer before a county board of equalization, when made pursuant to RCW 84.48.010 for the sole purpose of seeking a reduction in the assessed valuation of a certain parcel of real property, does not give the board jurisdiction to increase the valuation of the subject property without advance notice.

AGO 1963 NO. 16 >

1. The Washington toll bridge authority does not have the power to exempt public school children from fares on the Puget Sound ferries when said public school children are riding a public school bus to and from educational trips in the course of their schooling. 2. Same :  The toll bridge authority does however have the authority, with the approval of its consulting engineer, to effect a reasonable reclassification and reduction of charges for this class of user.  What would be an appropriate or reasonable classification is a question of fact to be determined by the toll bridge authority.

AGO 1976 NO. 16 >

All reasonably necessary costs of foreclosure, distraint and sale of property for delinquent taxes that can be traced by a reliable accounting method to the particular taxpayer and property involved may be (1) charged against the revolving fund created by RCW 82.56.020 and (2) recovered as costs of foreclosure or costs of distraint against the taxpayer or other party against whom that statute authorizes the charging of "costs."

AGO 1996 NO. 16 >

The Fish and Wildlife Commission and the director of the Department of Fish and Wildlife may commission, as fisheries patrol officers or as wildlife agents, only persons serving by appointment to positions whose job description includes law enforcement duties.

AGO 1982 NO. 16 >

The provisions of Article XI, § 8 (Amendment 57) of the state constitution which prohibit the salaries of those county officers who fix their own compensation from being increased, or diminished, after their election or during their term of office are applicable even in the case of a county which has adopted a home rule charter pursuant to Article XI, § 4 (Amendment 21).

AGO 1984 NO. 16 >

A county sheriff, who officially comes into possession of "lost and found" money, may not keep and retain that money for his office's own use under any of the applicable provisions of chapter 63.40 RCW.

AGO 1985 NO. 16 >

When a vacancy occurs in a joint legislative district located partly in a home rule county governed by a legislative body consisting of more than three members, and partly in a county governed by a three‑member board of county commissioners, each county is entitled to cast three votes in the appointment process.

AGLO 1978 NO. 16 >

The governor, through the issuance of an appropriate executive order, may legally designate a private nonprofit organization to guarantee student loans in Washington in accordance with Title IV of the federal Higher Education Act of 1965, as amended by PL 94-42 and PL 95-43.