Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Attorney General’s legislation strengthening wage theft laws and increasing penalties passes Legislature with bipartisan support

New bill increases prevailing wage penalties for the first time since 1985, ensures workers receive interest on stolen wages on prevailing wage jobs and closes major loophole

OLYMPIA — The Legislature passed Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s agency request legislation strengthening Washington’s wage theft laws in the prevailing wage arena. Prevailing wage is most common in government contracts. Prevailing wage laws prevent a “race to the bottom” as contractors seek to lower worker pay in order to underbid each other.

Attorney General Ferguson: Administration concedes — won’t block protections for endangered marine species

Dismissal represents Ferguson’s 19th legal victory against the Administration

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that the Trump Administration has abandoned its appeal of a U.S. District Court ruling that found it unlawfully tried to block gillnet regulations designed to protect endangered and threatened marine species like whales, dolphins and sea turtles.

AG Ferguson bill prohibiting “pocket service” debt collection practices passes Legislature

New law protects consumers from confusing and widely criticized debt collection tactic

OLYMPIA — Today, with a bipartisan vote of 31-17 in the Washington State Senate, state legislators passed a bill prohibiting “pocket service” debt collection practices, which allow debt collectors to blindside consumers with default judgments in order to seize wages, bank account funds, or other assets.

AG Ferguson joins multistate amicus brief protecting women’s access to abortion services

Ferguson, 20 other AGs urge court to strike down Kentucky anti-abortion law

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson joined a coalition of 21 attorneys general in filing an amicus brief asking the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Sixth Circuit to affirm a lower court’s finding that a Kentucky law regulating abortion services is unconstitutional under the 14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.

Procurador General (AG) Ferguson: Motel 6 pagará $12 millones por violar la privacidad de decenas de miles de residentes del estado de Washington.


Si usted o algún miembro de su familia se hospedó en un Motel 6 en Washington entre el 1 de febrero de 2015 y el 17 de septiembre de 2017, por favor presente un reclamo para recibir compensación aquí. La Oficina del Procurador General no es parte del gobierno federal y presentar un reclamo no require que divulgue su estatus migratorio.

AG Ferguson: Motel 6 will pay $12M for violating privacy of tens of thousands of Washingtonians

If you or a family member stayed at a Motel 6 in Washington between Feb. 1, 2015 and Sept. 17, 2017, please submit a claim for restitution here. The Attorney General’s Office is not part of the federal government and submitting a claim does not require you to disclose your immigration status.