Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AG Ferguson challenges Trump’s “conscience rule” for health care providers

Lawsuit filed in Spokane Unprecedented rule puts provider beliefs ahead of patient needs

SPOKANE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s “conscience rule,” which gives health care professionals broad discretion to refuse lawful and medically necessary care to patients for religious or moral reasons, even when the patient’s life is at risk.

AG lawsuit leads to lifetime ban for family who used charities to deceive Washingtonians

Haueter family operated four sham charities, keeping more than $1M from Washington donors for themselves

SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that as a result of his lawsuit, a family who operated a group of sham charities are banned for life from all activity in the charity sector and must pay nearly $300,000 to the Attorney General’s Office. A judge previously ruled that the Haueters broke the law in multiple ways operating its charities.

AG Ferguson: Se extiende el plazo para los reclamos con relación a los monitores con CRT

Los consumidores ahora tienen hasta el 17 de junio para presentar sus solicitudes de indemnización para el reembolso de dinero relacionado al caso de tubos de rayos catódicos.

OLYMPIA — El procurador general Bob Ferguson anunció hoy que los consumidores cuentan con un mes más para obtener su parte de los casi $40 millones recuperados por Ferguson en el caso de fijación de precios de CRT. El plazo para presentar una solicitud de indemnización se extiende hasta el 17 de junio del 2019.

AG Ferguson: Deadline extended to claim share of nearly $40 million CRT recovery

Consumers now have until June 17 to submit their claims for restitution money in CRT case

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced consumers have an additional month to obtain their share of a nearly $40 million recovery in Ferguson’s CRT price-fixing case. The deadline to file a claim is extended to June 17, 2019.

To file a claim, visit www.crtsettlement.atg.wa.gov to fill out a form, or call 800-332-9084.

Attorney General Ferguson sues major pharma companies for driving up costs of more than 100 generic drugs

Teva Pharma, 20 other manufacturers raised prices of some generic drugs by up to 2,700 percent

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson and 43 other attorneys general filed a lawsuit against Teva Pharmaceuticals, the largest generic drug manufacturer in the world, and 20 other companies for conspiring in secret to increase prices of 116 common medications, including everyday antibiotics, antidepressants, contraceptives and statins.

Attorney General’s 22nd legal victory against the Trump Administration forces EPA to hand over public records

EPA will pay $6,000 for Ferguson’s attorney fees in lawsuit over FOIA request

OLYMPIA — As a result of Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s lawsuit, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has provided more than 1,700 pages of communications previously not made public between the EPA and advisory committee members in the wake of its 2017 policy barring scientists who receive grants from the agency from serving on the committees.