Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

CONSUMER ALERT: AG and BBB partner to help stop school supply scam

 Joint release with Better Business Bureau

The Washington State Office of Attorney General and the Better Business Bureau have joined together to help consumers avoid a school book scam making the rounds to schools in Washington and across the country.

School employees have reported receiving official-looking invoices from a fake company called Scholastic School Supply for some books, often math workbooks, they did not order and have not received.

Four Medicaid providers convicted of healthcare fraud in Thurston and King County

OLYMPIA — The Attorney General’s Office Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) recently convicted healthcare providers in four separate Medicaid fraud cases, holding accountable four defendants who did not provide the care they were paid to provide to elderly and other vulnerable adults. 

“It is deplorable that fraudsters take advantage of the most vulnerable among us for financial gain,” said Attorney General Ferguson. “My office will hold healthcare providers accountable who fail to provide adequate care for vulnerable people and commit Medicaid fraud.”

Governor Inslee, Attorney General Ferguson do not extend Hanford dispute resolution deadline

OLYMPIA – Governor Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced the state will not extend today’s deadline for resolving the dispute with the U.S Department of Energy over cleanup of the Hanford nuclear reservation. The state has extended the deadline twice already since negotiations began in March.
With the conclusion of the dispute resolution period, the state has 30 days in which it may file a motion in the U.S. District Court, unless an agreement is reached with the Department of Energy on key terms for Hanford cleanup..

AG Ferguson urges U.S. Supreme Court to affirm marriage equality

OLYMPIA — In a push to protect the civil rights of same-sex couples nationwide, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson and 14 other state Attorneys General are urging the U.S. Supreme Court to hear three marriage equality cases. 

“Same-sex couples in too many states remain unable to marry,” said Ferguson. “It is time for the Supreme Court to weigh in on this critical civil rights issue and rule once and for all that state bans on gay marriage are unconstitutional.”

Statement from AG Bob Ferguson on Jenny Durkan’s resignation as U.S. Attorney

OLYMPIA — Statement from Attorney General Bob Ferguson on Jenny Durkan’s resignation as U.S. Attorney:

"I’m grateful to Jenny Durkan for her five years of distinguished service to the people of our state as U.S. Attorney for the Western District of Washington.

"My office has been privileged to work with her on many important issues, including protecting Washingtonians from crime, keeping our environment clean, and implementing our legalization of marijuana at the state level.

Judge agrees with Attorney General’s opinion, upholds I-502 against challenge

Local government can regulate marijuana businesses

Attorney General’s Office presented arguments to defend I-502, upheld will of the voters

TACOMA — The Attorney General’s Office today presented arguments in MMH, LLC v. Fife in Pierce County Superior Court before Judge Culpepper. Solicitor General Noah Purcell gave oral arguments on behalf of the Attorney General’s Office. 

Spokane County jury sends repeat sex offender to Special Commitment Center

SPOKANE — A Spokane County jury has decided repeat sex offender Scott Halvorson must be confined in the state’s Special Commitment Center on McNeil Island (charging documents).  In the interest of public safety, prosecutors from Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s Sexually Violent Predator (SVP) Unit have been fighting since 2012 to prevent Halvorson’s release into the community.

Governor, Attorney General lead legal response to Supreme Court psychiatric boarding decision

Inslee, Ferguson work with Department of Social and Health Services, healthcare organizations, hospitals and disability rights advocates on joint response

OLYMPIA— Today Attorney General Bob Ferguson, in conjunction with a broad coalition of organizations, filed a motion in the Washington State Supreme Court to address the impacts of the court’s recent decision on psychiatric boarding. The motion asks the court to delay the effect of its decision so that the state can implement Governor Jay Inslee’s plan to make sure alternative care is available.