Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1974 NO. 94 >

Procedures to be followed in filling vacancies in the offices of governor, lieutenant governor and secretary of state under Article III, § 10 and Article III, § 13 of the state Constitution.

AGO 1966 NO. 95 >

A person who has filed a declaration of candidacy for state legislative office designated pursuant to RCW 29.18.015 may not file a second declaration of candidacy for another legislative position from the same legislative district without first withdrawing his initial declaration of candidacy as provided for in RCW 29.18.030.

AGO 1962 NO. 95 >

Under Article II, § 13, of the State Constitution, no member of the legislature, during the term for which he is elected, may be elected to any office the emoluments of which have been increased during his term; therefore, any state senator elected in November, 1960, (for a four-year term expiring in January, 1965) who was a member of the 1961 legislature which increased the emoluments of the office of the governor (by overriding the governor's veto of chapter 316, Laws of 1959) is not eligible to run for that office in 1964.

AGLO 1973 NO. 96 >

In any county which has, pursuant to RCW 36.32.240, established a county purchasing department, that department is to purchase all election supplies for the county auditor; such purchases may be made only after a call for competitive bids to the extent required by RCW 36.32.240 and 36.32.250.

AGLO 1974 NO. 96 >

Jurisdiction of Washington State Patrol, county sheriffs and city police with respect to state, county and city traffic law violations.

AGLO 1975 NO. 96 >

The legislature may provide for salary increases for its own members but such increases may not become effective until the commencement of the next ensuing terms of office after the enactment of the law increasing salaries.

AGO 1962 NO. 97 >

(1) Federal Aviation Agency Regulation Part 626 requiring the reporting of air hazards does not supersede chapter 263, Laws of 1961, which governs the marking of structures or obstacles which have been declared to be hazards or potential hazards for the safe flight of aircraft.   (2) Compliance with the federal regulation regarding reporting does not satisfy the requirements of the state act.

AGLO 1973 NO. 97 >

Where a bill which is subject to referendum is vetoed by the governor and that veto is later overridden by the legislature, the act will not become effective until ninety days after the adjournment of the session at which the veto was overridden; accordingly, chapter 1, Laws of 1973, 2nd Ex. Sess. (House Bill No. 356), which changes the date of Veterans' Day to November 11, will not take effect until December 14, 1973.

AGO 1962 NO. 98 >

The state parks and recreation commission has the authority to convey park property to a municipal corporation or political subdivision of this state by following the procedure set forth in RCW 39.33.010 which provides for the intergovernmental disposition of property.

AGLO 1973 NO. 98 >

Persons appointed to serve as members of an advisory committee under § 11, chapter 212, Laws of 1973, Ex. Sess., serve at the pleasure of the board of county commissioners; they may be compensated for mileage and other expenses pursuant to RCW 36.17.030.