Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit against a Seattle business and its owner for preying on new immigrants by making deceptive promises to help them with legal assistance for immigration needs then later abandoning them in courtrooms after charging thousands of dollars
SEATTLE: El fiscal general Bob Ferguson presentó hoy una demanda contra una empresa de Seattle y su propietaria por aprovecharse de nuevos inmigrantes haciéndoles promesas engañosas de ayudarlos con asesoramiento jurídico para sus necesidades de inmigración y luego abandonarlos en los tribunales después de cobrarles miles de dólares.
SEATTLE — Hoje, o Procurador-Geral Bob Ferguson abriu um processo contra uma empresa de Seattle e sua proprietária por ludibriar novos imigrantes, fazendo promessas enganosas de que os ajudaria com suporte jurídico para suas necessidades com a imigração e, então, abandonando-os nas audiências após cobrar milhares de dólares.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced a King County Superior Court judge ruled that Facebook parent company Meta repeatedly violated Washington’s campaign finance transparency law. The judge also denied Meta’s attempt to gut Washington’s campaign transparency law.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today he has selected Assistant Attorney General Morgan Damerow as the Attorney General’s Office Open Government Ombuds.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson and the Washington State Health Care Authority announced today that managed health care giant Centene will pay $19 million to Washington state. The payment resolves allegations that the Fortune 50 company overcharged the state Medicaid program for pharmacy benefit management services.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a motion to intervene and oppose an expansion to the Gas Transmission Northwest (GTN) pipeline that runs through Washington state. Ferguson asserts the company’s requested expansion would hurt Washingtonians and increase greenhouse gasses that the state is working to reduce over the coming decades.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a civil rights lawsuit against Ostrom Mushroom Farms in Sunnyside for discriminating against U.S. residents and women, and retaliating against workers who spoke out. Ostrom abused the H-2A system by systematically firing its majority-female, Washington mushroom pickers and replacing them with H-2A foreign agricultural workers who were mostly male. Foreign H-2A workers have fewer rights than U.S.-based workers.
Hoy el procurador general Bob Ferguson presentó una demanda de derechos civiles contra Ostrom Mushroom Farms en Sunnyside por discriminar a los residentes de EE. UU. y a las mujeres y tomar represalias contra los trabajadores que presentaron quejas. Ostrom hizo uso indebido del sistema H-2A al despedir sistemáticamente a sus cosechadores de hongos de Washington, en su mayoría mujeres, y remplazarlos con trabajadores agrícolas extranjeros del programa H-2A, en su mayoría hombres. Los trabajadores extranjeros H-2A tienen menos derechos que los trabajadores que residen en EE. UU.
Facebook parent Meta is attempting to eliminate a key provision of Washington’s campaign finance transparency law in a recent motion in the Attorney General’s case against the company. Instead of changing its practices to comply with Washington’s decades-old campaign finance law, Meta filed a summary judgment motion asking the court to strike down transparency requirements on commercial advertisers.
