Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that in order to avoid a lawsuit from his office, seven large, corporate fast-food chains will immediately end a nationwide practice that restricts worker mobility and decreases competition for labor by preventing workers from moving among the chains’ franchise locations. The companies will no longer enforce provisions included in franchise agreements that stop workers from moving to potentially better positions and wages, and will remove the language from current and future contracts.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson offered the following statement in response to the resignation of Environmental Protection Administration chief Scott Pruitt:
El Procurador General Bob Ferguson solicitó hoy a un juez federal que ordenara al gobierno federal proporcionar detalles y facilitar el acceso a las víctimas de la política de separación familiar del gobierno de Trump en una agenda expedita. La semana pasada, el Procurador General Ferguson lideró una asociación de 18 procuradores generales para interponer una demanda en Seattle que busca eliminar la política de separación familiar de manera permanente.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today asked a federal judge to order the federal government to provide details about and access to victims of the Trump Administration’s family separation policy on an expedited schedule. Last week, Attorney General Ferguson led a coalition of 18 attorneys general in filing a lawsuit seeking to end the family separation policy permanently.
Joint statement of Gov. Jay Inslee and Attorney General Bob Ferguson on today’s U.S. Supreme Court decision in Janus v. AFSCME
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today joined 10 other Attorneys General in challenging the Environmental Protection Agency for improperly reversing a rule that prohibited the use of a powerful type of greenhouse gas. This is Ferguson’s 10th lawsuit against the Trump Administration EPA, many over actions undermining efforts to combat global warming.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed his multistate lawsuit challenging the Trump Administration’s policy of forced family separation on the U.S. southern border. A total of 16 states and the District of Columbia joined Ferguson’s suit, filed today in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.
El Procurador General Bob Ferguson anunció hoy una demanda que desafía la política del gobierno de Trump acerca de la separación forzada de familias en la frontera sur de los Estados Unidos. Un total de 16 estados y el Distrito de Columbia se unieron a la demanda de Ferguson que se inició hoy ante el Tribunal de Distrito de los Estados Unidos para el Distrito Oeste de Washington.
OLYMPIA — The United States Supreme Court today sent the Arlene’s Flowers case back to the Washington State Supreme Court to review the case in light of the recent ruling in Masterpiece Cakeshop v. Colorado Civil Rights Commission.  
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced he will lead a coalition of states in challenging the Trump Administration’s policy of forced family separation on the U.S. southern border. The lawsuit will be filed in the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington.
