Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Countrywide settlement cash will refinance Washington foreclosure prevention efforts

Attorney General McKenna announces $1.8 million in grants and direct consumer payments

SEATTLE – There’s no place like home. For families struggling to make their mortgage payments, as well hundreds who already lost their homes, Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna offered hope today: more than $1.8 million for local foreclosure prevention programs and cash for directly impacted consumers.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Attorney General McKenna to announce additional efforts to prevent Washington foreclosures

SEATTLE – One is seven U.S. homeowners is behind on his or her mortgage. Attorney General Rob McKenna will announce additional efforts to help prevent foreclosures in Washington and cash for hundreds of consumers who have already lost their homes. Joining him at a press conference Thursday in Seattle will be representatives from local nonprofit and legal programs working to assist homeowners.

WHAT: Foreclosure Prevention News Conference

WHEN: 11 a.m. Thursday, Feb. 11, 2010

AG’s office collected record complaints about collection agencies

Office releases its Top 20 list of complaint categories

SEATTLE – Washington consumers filed more complaints about collection agencies with the Attorney General’s Office in 2009 than any other industry. Gripes about collection agencies have been rising in recent years but it took a single complaint to ultimately move the industry into pole position and bump telecommunications, which previously held the top spot for at least a decade.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Consumer protection, open government and domestic violence bills to be heard this week

OLYMPIA — Families who have lost their homes due to an inability to pay their property taxes are being targeted by individuals who want to take the little money they have left after the foreclosure sale. Legislation proposed by the Attorney General’s Office aims to protect these families from scammers and help them keep as much of their money as possible.

MEDIA ADVISORY: Vulnerable adult bills to be heard this week

OLYMPIA — Every year in the United States, millions of vulnerable adults—seniors and those with disabilities—are physically and sexually assaulted, neglected, and financially exploited. In Washington state, government agencies receive tens of thousands of reports of abuse and exploitation every year.

This week, two Legislative committees will hear bipartisan bills to provide new protections for vulnerable adults. Both bills are requested by state Attorney General Rob McKenna, based on the recommendations of participants in his 2007 Vulnerable Adults Summit.