Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Attorney General Rob McKenna’s statement on the execution of confessed murderer and rapist Cal Coburn Brown

Olympia —Confessed murderer and rapist Cal Coburn Brown was put to death by lethal injection at 12:56 a.m. on the morning of Sept. 10, 2010, at the Washington State Penitentiary in Walla Walla.

King County jurors convicted Brown of aggravated first-degree murder after he confessed to the 1991 strangulation and stabbing death of 21-year-old Holly Washa in the Sea Tac area. Since the jury sentenced him to death in December 1993, Brown utilized the many legal options available to him and filed multiple appeals.

CONSUMER ALERT: Arm yourself with information to fight scams and fraud

OLYMPIA – Call  them scammers, swindlers, fraudsters or grifters. But whatever you do, don’t believe a word they say.

Just like their counterparts over the ages convinced desperate dreamers to sink their savings into imaginary investments or lured lovesick loners into losing their family fortunes, today’s scam artists prey on people’s desires for love, money or good luck –and walk away with their wallets.

Medicaid Fraud perpetrator pleads guilty to 10 counts of theft

OLYMPIA – In a case involving multiple jurisdictions, tracking the accused to Nigeria and Texas and back to Washington, a man charged with committing roughly $100,000 in Medicaid fraud finally pled guilty to 10 counts of First Degree Theft in Thurston County Superior Court today.

Nnanna Mba, formerly of Puyallup, was sentenced as a first-time offender pursuant to a stipulated plea agreement.  He received a sentence of 90 days in jail with credit for time served and agreed to pay full restitution in the amount of $106,730.

AG's statement on request to challenge charter schools initiative

Attorney General Bob Ferguson released the following statement today in response to a letter he received today from Paul Lawrence of Pacifica Law Group regarding Initiative 1240.

“We all share the desire to provide the highest quality education for our children. As the state’s attorney, it’s my responsibility to defend the will of the voters and I will be directing my legal team to do so in this case.”

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