Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

CONSUMER ALERT: AG Ferguson cracks down on schemes targeting veterans with the promise of untapped benefits

OLYMPIA…Attorney General Bob Ferguson grew up in a family of veterans--with a father who served in the US Navy, both grandfathers serving in the military and several uncles who served in World War II.

That’s why he was infuriated to learn unauthorized financial planning companies were targeting senior veterans with schemes promising new untapped veterans benefits—if the veterans were willing to let these “planners” help manage their financial assets.

Public Counsel recommends UTC continue investigation of $860 million in Washington utility losses from natural gas purchasing practices

SEATTLE – The Public Counsel Unit of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office will recommend Friday that the Washington Utilities and Transportation Commission (WUTC) continue investigating the so-called “hedging” strategies used by utility companies in their natural gas purchasing strategies.  Public Counsel will also further recommend that the WUTC order that certain hedging costs not be passed to customers.

Google to pay $7 million in multistate settlement over Street View

Agreement Bans Unauthorized Data Collection, Requires Training of Google Employees on Privacy and Nationwide Campaign to Education Consumers on Protecting Information

OLYMPIA-- Attorney General Bob Ferguson today joined 37 other states and the District of Columbia in a $7 million settlement with search engine giant Google for collecting data from unsecured wireless networks nationwide while taking photographs for its Street View service.

States settle $22.5 million lawsuit with Par Pharmaceuticals

OLYMPIA-- Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that Washington has joined with other states and the federal government in a $22.5 million settlement with Par Pharmaceutical Companies, Inc. (“Par”). The states allege Par promoted sales of the drug Megace ES for uses not approved as safe and effective by the Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) and not covered by the State Medicaid programs.

CONSUMER ALERT: It’s a spoof! The Attorney General’s Office is not sending you stock tips

OLYMPIA— It can happen to anyone. Spoofers have targeted two well-respected consumer protection agencies in an attempt to harm the very people those agencies protect.

In mid-January, the Federal Trade Commission warned people that scammers had sent e-mail messages that appeared to be from the FTC to thousands of businesses claiming that people had complained about them. The email included a link or attachment to a document including more information. The goal? Entice frazzled business owners to click on the link or attachment then dump malware on their computer.