Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

In AG investigation, court finds Tim Eyman violated June 29 order

Ferguson can go directly to feds, banks for withheld documents

OLYMPIA — Granting a request from Attorney General Bob Ferguson, a Snohomish County Superior Court judge today ruled that Tim Eyman and his political committees violated her June 29 order by failing to meet the court-ordered deadline for disclosing documents in the Attorney General’s campaign finance probe.

AG opposes Vancouver oil terminal project

OLYMPIA — In today’s closing arguments for the environmental review of a proposed crude oil terminal in Vancouver, Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s Counsel for the Environment will announce its opposition to the project.

The Tesoro Savage Vancouver Energy Distribution Terminal is currently under review by the state’s Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC), which is tasked under state law with recommending to the Governor either that he approve or reject the project.

AG Ferguson announces used car dealer will pay $250,000 over discrimination, consumer protection claims

Snohomish County dealer exploited Spanish-speaking customers

EVERETT — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that Snohomish County used car dealer Zein Automobiles Inc., which operates Best Bet Auto Sales and Independence Auto Center, will pay $250,000 over its pattern of discriminating against Spanish-language speakers at its dealerships.

El Procurador General Ferguson anuncia que un concesionario de autos usados pagará $250,000 por discriminación y reclamos de protección al consumidor

Un concesionario de Snohomish County se aprovechó de clientes hispanohablantes

EVERETT. El Procurador General Bob Ferguson anunció hoy que Zein Automobiles Inc., concesionario de autos usados del condado de Snohomish que opera Best Bet Auto Sales e Independence Auto Center, pagará $250,000 por su repetida discriminación hacia los hispanohablantes que han acudido a sus concesionarios.