Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

National Consumer Protection Week When you turn up the thermostat or click on the lights, thank Simon ffitch. ffitch – whose unusual surname is often a subject of discussion – is chief of the Attorney General’s Public Counsel Section, a part of our office that represents residential and small business customers in utility rate cases. His job is to make sure you don’t pay more for electricity, natural gas or phone service than you should.

The Spokesman-Review featured ffitch in a recent article about Public Counsel’s decision to challenge the approval of Avista’s last rate increase. The story includes interviews with folks who understand the importance of his work -- people like Gary Smith, executive director of the Independent Business Association.

“The guy appears to eat, live and sleep this stuff. He’s a total crusader on the behalf of the public. … I could never read a utility tariff and hope to understand what it means,” Smith said. “I can read labor laws, environmental laws and tax laws, but utility law is a world unto its own. … That’s why the Office of Public Counsel is a total godsend.”

Read the full report to learn more about the Public Counsel chief, including the origin of the funny spelling of his last name. Or go here to read up on Public Counsel’s work and current cases.


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