Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown


The Washington State Attorney General’s Office's Consumer Protection Division enforces the state’s Consumer Protection Act. The resolution of lawsuits brought by this division often recovers costs and fees incurred in bringing the action, restitution for consumers and civil penalties which go to the general fund.

The Attorney General attempts to restore direct restitution to consumers wherever it is reasonably feasible to do so. However, sometimes it is impossible to identify each consumer who was harmed, or the amount of money available for each affected consumer makes it impractical to distribute money directly to consumers. In these situations, the courts might allow a "cy pres" distribution, which means that instead of individual payments, an indirect use will be allowed. Cy pres means "as near as possible" and requires that the funds be distributed in a manner that benefits the category of consumers harmed by the illegal conduct. Each court order will have specific language setting forth the restrictions on use, but the language must match the allegations in the complaint and describe what category of consumers was harmed. Therefore, distribution of funds will be made only to applicants whose programs match the specific type of harm addressed by the action.

In 2009, the legislature passed a bill requiring the Attorney General's Office to: "annually report to the fiscal committees of the legislature all new cy pres awards and settlements and all new accounts, disclosing their intended uses, balances, the nature of the claim or account, proposals, and intended time frames for the expenditure of each amount. The report shall be distributed electronically and posted on the attorney general's web site. The report shall not be printed on paper or distributed physically."

Page last updated: December 13, 2024

Case Name State of Washington v. Federal Way Discount Guns LLC
Cause No.: 22-2-20064-2 SEA
Court: King County Superior Court
Date Filed: December 6, 2022
Nature of Claim: Sales of large capacity magazines, offers for sale of large capacity magazines, and facilitating the distribution of large capacity magazines.
Court Ordered Use of Funds: Distribution to local law enforcement agencies to assist in promoting firearms safety, combatting gun violence, and supporting victims of gun violence.
Distribution Timeframe: December 13, 2024-January 16, 2025
Recipient Amount Awarded Proposal Status
Airway Heights Police Department $                 545,464.00 Not Accepted
Auburn Police Department $                 203,628.00 Not Accepted
Bellevue Police Department $                 50,000.00 Not Accepted
Cowlitz Tribal Department of Public Safety $                106,500.00 Not Accepted
Federal Way Police Department $                150,000.00 Not Accepted
Kittitas County Sheriff's Office $                140,000.00 Not Accepted
Langely Police Department $                75,000.00 Not Accepted
Mukilteo Police Department $                50,000.00 Not Accepted
City of Pacific Police Department $                67,386.40 Not Accepted
Seattle Police Department $                343,310.00 Not Accepted
Walla Walla County Sheriff's Office $                40,000.00 Accepted
Whatcom County Sheriff's Office $                125,000.00 Not Accepted
Beginning Account Balance: $                1,896,288.40  
Amounts Awarded: $                40,000.00  
Account Balance: $                1,856,288.40  



Case Name Healing Heroes Network
Cause No.: 18-2-17976-9 SEA
Court: King County Superior Court
Date Filed: January 14, 2021
Nature of Claim: Misleading Donors and Deceptive Promotional Advertising
Court Ordered Use of Funds: Distribute funds to a tax-exempt charitable organization that provides services to veterans of the United States military or to persons presently serving in the United States military.
Distribution Timeframe: May 6, 2021
Recipient Amount Awarded Proposal Status
Intrepid Fallen Heros Fund $                 95,000.00 Accepted
Beginning Account Balance: $                 95,000.00  
Amounts Awarded: $                 95,000.00  
Account Balance: $                                -   



Case Name EGP Investments
Cause No.: 18-2-23698-3 SEA
Court: King County Superior Court
Date Filed: November 7, 2019
Nature of Claim: Operated collection agencies without being licensed and sent initial collection notices to consumers that failed to identify and disclose interest.
Court Ordered Use of Funds: Debt counseling or similar services offered to Washington consumers.
Distribution Timeframe:  
Recipient Amount Awarded Proposal Status
Northwest Consumer Law Center $                   40,030.51 Accepted
Beginning Account Balance: $                   40,030.51  
Amounts Awarded: $                   40,030.51  
Account Balance: $                                  -    

Case Name CHI  Franciscan Antitrust
Cause No.: 17-cv-05690-BHS
Court: U.S. District Court for the Western District of Washington, Tacoma
Date Filed: June 28, 2019
Nature of Claim: Decreasing competition for primary care and orthopedics services on the Kitsap Peninsula and Bainbridge Island.
Court Ordered Use of Funds: Increasing access to healthcare or availability of healthcare services for residents of Kitsap Peninsula and Bainbridge Island.
Distribution Timeframe: Completed December 12, 2019
Recipient Amount Awarded Proposal Status
West Sound Free Clinic $                   64,697.34 Accepted
Squamish Tribe Wellness Center $                   209,119.96 Accepted
Peninsula Community Health Services $                   1,672,709.81 Accepted
Kitsap Mental Health Services $                   333,650.51 Accepted
Bremerton Health Center Location of Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest and Hawaiian Islands  $                   219,822.38 Accepted
Beginning Account Balance: $                   2,500,000  
Amounts Awarded: $                   2,500,000  
Account Balance: $                                  -    


Have a Consumer Issue?

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