KIRO TV interviewed me for an investigative report about a too-good-to-be-true classified ad promising the chance to live rent-free as an apartment manager. According to the story, several Washington residents paid hundreds of dollars to take an “exam.” But none of them landed jobs.
People were told to deposit their tuition directly into the bank account of someone connected with “Property Management Career Services.” That’s more than merely a red flag. In fact, I described it to reporter Amy Clancy as a “screaming, glowing red light on top of a fire engine.”
According to the state Workforce Board, Property Management Career Services wasn’t licensed to operate as a school.
Before you sign up for and pay for an educational program, check it out. Schools that grant degrees must be authorized by the Higher Education Coordinating Board. The Workforce Training and Education Coordinating Board licenses non-degree educational institutions. Cosmetology schools are regulated by the Department of Licensing.