Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1981 NO. 9 >

When requested to do so by the Governor for the purpose of determining the qualifications of a prospective gubernatorial appointee to public office, the Washington State Patrol may (a) provide the Governor with information contained in records then on file with the Patrol, except to the extent that, in a given case, particular information contained in those records is covered by a specific statutory restriction against disclosure; and (b) pursuant to an interlocal cooperation act agreement with the Governor, go beyond its own existing records and, further, search out other information by examining existing records maintained by other law enforcement agencies and/or other custodians and by contacting and interviewing neighbors, past business associates or others deemed likely to have personal knowledge about the prospective appointee.

AGLO 1976 NO. 9 >

Unless modified by regulations promulgated by the governor under RCW 42.18.270, a "thing of economic value" as defined in RCW 42.18.140, prohibiting certain gifts to state employees, includes even those items of tangible personal property which are of minimal monetary value.

AGLO 1977 NO. 10 >

Because of the provisions of RCW 28B.50.050 a member of the faculty at the University of Washington, being employed by the board of regents of that institution, is ineligible for simultaneous service as a member of the state board for community college education.

AGLO 1973 NO. 10 >

A purely retroactive pay increase for state employees, not involving either the Aldrich or Christie situations, would be unconstitutional under Article II, § 25 (Amendment 35) of the Washington Constitution.

AGO 1961 NO. 10 >

The Department of Labor and Industries is empowered to transfer a business or industry from one occupational classification to another by administrative procedure even though the occupations involved are neither insolvent nor in danger of becoming insolvent.

AGO 1987 NO. 10 >

RCW 76.12.030 does not establish a separate trust for each county with reference to the lands deeded by each county to the DNR for state forest lands. RCW 76.12.030(1) does authorize the Board of Natural Resources to establish a flat rate of return to the forest development account of twenty-five percent of any moneys derived from DNR transfer land leases and resource sales. Settlement proceeds from timber sale litigation are properly distributed to the forest development account pursuant to RCW 76.12.030(12).

AGLO 1979 NO. 10 >

The State Department of Natural Resources may not expend monies from the Resource Management Cost Account or the Forest Development Account, over and above payment of fire patrol assessments under RCW 76.04.360, to fund the costs of the Forest Fire Protection Program provided for in chapter 76.04 RCW.

AGO 1959 NO. 10 >

The state highway commission does not have the statutory authority to regulate the erection or location of drive‑in theaters along state highways unless such structures constitute a nuisance under RCW 47.32.130 or 47.36.180.

AGO 1970 NO. 10 >

A municipality which had an elevator code in effect prior to 1963 may continue to assume jurisdiction over conveyances in buildings owned by the municipality itself as well as privately owned buildings; however, under RCW 70.87.050, as amended, conveyances in buildings owned by the state, a county, or a political subdivision other than the municipality itself have been placed under the jurisdiction of the department of labor and industries of the state of Washington.

AGO 1967 NO. 10 >

When the state personnel board makes a revision of the salary schedule for classified employees under the state civil service system, which revision effects changes in the salaries attached to several classes of positions, the budget director does not have the authority to approve or disapprove, on a piece meal basis, specific items in such revised salary schedule.