Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1982 NO. 6 >

(1) The requirement of WAC 251-12-285 that employers pay the initial costs of transcribing the record for appeal under RCW 28B.16.130 is not enforceable in personnel actions arising under RCW 28B.16.120 in view of the Washington Supreme Court's decision in the analogous case of Zoutendyk v. Washington State Patrol, 95 Wn.2d 693, 628 P.2d 1308 (1981).

AGO 1987 NO. 7 >

The Higher Education Coordinating Board may not delegate to its executive director the authority to adopt rules. The Board may delegate authority to its executive director to administer the administrative or ministerial but not the discretionary functions described in the degree authorization act contained in chapter 28B.85 RCW.

AGLO 1978 NO. 7 >

(1) In view of the amendment to chapter 128, Laws of 1972, 1st Ex. Sess. (Referendum 26) which is contained in chapter 242, Laws of 1972, 1st Ex. Sess., the proceeds of bonds issued pursuant thereto may not be made available to counties or other public bodies for the acquisition of trucks or other vehicles to be used in the transporting of garbage from its source in residential, commercial and industrial areas either to drop-box or transfer stations or directly to landfills and recovery facilities.

(2) The foregoing bond proceeds may, however, continue to be used for the acquisition of land and equipment for use in relation to the operation of sanitary landfills, resource recovery facilities, drop-box and transfer stations, and equipment for the transfer of solid waste from such stations to landfills and recovery facilities.

AGLO 1977 NO. 7 >

The provisions of RCW 70.39.140 et seq., under which hospital rates and related matters are regulated by the state hospital commission, are applicable to hospitals maintained and operated by public hospital districts formed under chapter 70.44 RCW.

AGLO 1980 NO. 8 >

Analysis and discussion of the effect of so much of § 90, chapter 270, Laws of 1979, 1st Ex. Sess., as appropriated $42,000 from the State Game Fund to defray legal costs associated with the construction and operation of a regulating structure stabilizing the level of water in Silver Lake.

AGO 1968 NO. 8 >

Where the public waters of a stream are "fully appropriated," a city may nevertheless acquire a permit from the department of water resources pursuant to the provisions of RCW 90.03.290 to appropriate and apply to a "nonconsumptive municipal use" a portion of said waters where (1) the proposed "nonconsumptive municipal use" would not impair existing rights or be detrimental to the public welfare, and (2) there are, in fact, waters in the stream which are available for appropriation for a beneficial use within the meaning of RCW 90.03.290.

AGO 1993 NO. 8 >

1.  Article 8, sections 5 and 7, and article 12, section 9 of the Washington Constitution prohibit gifts or loans of public money or credit and the acquisition of interests in private stocks or bonds. 2.  RCW 43.84.080(7) authorizes the state treasurer, under certain circumstances, to invest public funds in commercial paper.  RCW 39.59.020 empowers local governments to make investments authorized by law for the state treasurer. 3.  Under article 8, sections 5 and 7, and article 12, section 9 of the Washington Constitution, state and local governments can invest in commercial paper purchased on the secondary market.

AGO 1969 NO. 8 >

The department of institutions presently has no authority, under the provisions of chapter 239, Laws of 1967 (chapter 39.34 RCW), or any other statute, to enter into a contract with a county for the temporary detention of county jail prisoners in any existing state correctional institution for convicted felons.

AGLO 1979 NO. 9 >

Under the provisions of chapter 51.24 RCW, as amended by chapter 85, Laws of 1977, 1st Ex. Sess. (SSB 2154), either the State Department of Labor and Industries or a self-insured employer may legally approve a settlement between an injured worker (or beneficiary) and a third party tortfeasor which is for an amount less than the amount already disbursed by the department or self-insurer for industrial insurance benefits.

AGO 1970 NO. 9 >

(1) An employer in this state who is governed by Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C., § 2000e 2) may not invoke the provisions of RCW 49.28.070 and WAC 296-128-440 as a justification for refusing to hire or promote women solely on the basis that the working conditions involved in the job they are seeking are such as to preclude the employment of women under such state provisions.(2) An employer who is governed by Title VII of the Federal Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C., § 2000e 2) is excused from compliance with the provisions of RCW 49.28.070 and WAC 296-128-440 to the extent that these state provisions are in conflict with the federal act.