Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1994 NO. 3 >

Port districts are municipal corporations that have powers expressly granted by the Legislature, or necessarily or fairly in or incident to the powers expressly granted.  The Legislature has not expressly granted port districts the authority to provide pilotage services, and such authority cannot be necessarily or fairly implied from the express authority granted port districts.

AGO 1957 NO. 28 >

A vessel which is being propelled by a tug, towing barge, or tug separately, is being navigated and is subject to the provisions of the; Puget Sound Pilotage Act requiring the services of a State pilot on Puget Sound and adjacent inland waters.

AGLO 1975 NO. 95 >

Vessels entering "Puget Sound and adjacent inland waters "en route to or from ports in British Columbia are required to employ a pilot licensed under the provisions of chapter 88.16 RCW, unless exempted by reason of RCW 88.16.070.

AGO 1958 NO. 233 >

Air reserve pilots making emergency flights for the department of natural resources scouting forest fires or on fire patrol are within the coverage of the industrial insurance act.  National guard pilots on duty at the time of flight are not within the coverage afforded by the industrial insurance act.

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