Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1970 NO. 78 >

This is written in response to your recent request for our opinion on a question pertaining to a certain appropriation made to the state superintendent of public instruction by the 1969 legislature under the provisions of § 1, chapter 282, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess.

AGLO 1971 NO. 78 >

This will acknowledge receipt of your letter of June 7, 1971, requesting our opinion on the following questions regarding initiative measures under Article II, § 1 (Amendment 7) of our state constitution:   "1. Can two or more subjects be incorporated into one initiative to the people or to the legislature?  2. If the answer to question #1 is in the negative, by what methods or standards are the limits of a single subject measured?  3. Can the initiative method be used to prohibit subdivisions of the State Legislature (such as committees, interim committees, and councils) from holding meetings closed to the public?  4. Can the initiative method be used to establish a limitation on the length of time any person may serve in an elective office?  5. Would it be legally permissible to circulate an initiative petition for signatures by publishing it as a portion of a newspaper?"

AGLO 1971 NO. 79 >

This is written in response to your letter dated June 14, 1971, requesting our opinion regarding the proper statute under which to charge a person who is driving a moving automobile on a public highway, or who is in actual physical control of a vehicle found parked by the side of the roadway, while intoxicated.

AGLO 1972 NO. 79 >

This is written in response to your recent letter requesting our opinion with regard to the constitutionality of a single rate state income tax.  Because no specific bill designed to impose such a tax has been included with your request, our response will, of necessity, have to be somewhat abstract and generalized.

AGLO 1970 NO. 79 >

By letter previously acknowledged, you have requested an opinion of this office upon a question which we paraphrase as follows:  Where funds have been appropriated to the state aeronautics commission for the purpose of granting financial airport aid to municipalities under RCW 14.04.090, may such funds be granted only to the extent that they are matched equally on a fifty-fifty basis by the receiving municipality from its own funds?

AGLO 1971 NO. 80 >

This is written in response to your letter dated June 8, 1971, requesting us to advise the interim committee on banking, insurance and utility regulation  ". . . as to the legality of entering into a contract for personal services wherein the services are to extend beyond the current biennium, while the full payment for the services to be rendered under such contract is to be made upon the signing of the contract during the current biennium."

AGLO 1972 NO. 80 >

This is written in further response to your recent letter requesting our opinion regarding the authority of a school district to rent or lease certain school buildings to a nongovernmental group providing social services to the adjacent community.

AGLO 1970 NO. 80 >

This is written in response to your recent letter requesting our opinion as to the applicability of the property tax exemption provided for by chapter 81, Laws of 1970, to certain property which is described in detail in your letter.

AGLO 1971 NO. 81 >

By letter previously acknowledged you have requested an opinion of this office with regard to your authority, as director of general administration   ". . . to charge rent for the exclusive use of marked automobile parking spaces along the roadways and on areas adjoining these roadways on the state capitol grounds."

AGLO 1972 NO. 81 >

This is written in response to your recent request for our opinion on two questions pertaining to the constitutional amendment contained in S.J.R. No. 38, as approved by the voters at the recent, November 7, 1972, state general election.  We paraphrase your questions as follows:   (1) Is the constitutional amendment contained in S.J.R. No. 38 a self-executing grant of power to the legislative authorities of the various counties to prescribe their own salaries and the salaries of other county officers?   (2) Assuming a negative answer to question (1), does S.J.R. No. 38 permit the state legislature to delegate to the legislative authorities of the various counties the right to prescribe the salaries of those county officers who, by law, exercise the powers and perform the duties of two or more county offices; e.g., a prosecuting attorney-coroner in counties of the fourth class and below?