Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1985 NO. 13 >

Schools are not authorized to charge fees for the administration of pre‑admission tests for early entrance of children into kindergarten or first grade classes.

AGO 1971 NO. 13 >

(1) A public utility district is authorized by RCW 54.24.060 to sell its utility revenue obligations in such manner as the board of commissioners shall deem for the best interest of the district; under this statute, based upon an appropriate finding to this effect, utility revenue obligations may be sold privately as an alternative to a public sale following competitive bidding. (2) A public utility district may, pursuant to an appropriate resolution based on findings of benefit to the district, sell a portion of a particular issue of its revenue obligations to its employees by private sale at a rate of interest less than that offered to nonemployee purchasers so long as the employee purchasers are not officers of the district by, through, or under whose supervision the utility revenue obligations in question may have been issued.

AGO 1990 NO. 13 >

1.   School districts have broad powers over curricula and instructional materials.  Pursuant to this authority, a school district may select and use educational television programming even though that programming contains advertising so long as the primary and predominant purpose of the program is educational and the advertising content is incidental.  2.   School districts have broad authority over the selection of instructional materials and the acquisition of school equipment and supplies.  Pursuant to this authority, a school district may select school materials, supplies and equipment that contain advertising.

AGO 1965 NO. 13 >

A port district and the Washington Toll Bridge Authority have the statutory authority to enter into an agreement for the acquisition of ferries whereby the port district will (1) purchase the ferries and lease them to the Washington Toll Bridge Authority; and (2) issue revenue bonds to finance the purchase, payable solely out of the rental received from leasing the ferries.

AGO 1978 NO. 14 >

The provisions of chapter 39.04 RCW, relating to public works projects by the state and certain municipalities, are applicable to public port districts organized pursuant to Title 53 RCW.

AGO 1993 NO. 14 >

RCW 87.03.271 provides that the lien for a delinquent irrigation district assessment includes costs such as attorneys' fees.  When the lien is foreclosed pursuant to the procedure set forth in chapter 87.06 RCW, the irrigation district may recover costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees.

AGO 1969 NO. 14 >

(1) Under § 1, chapter 142, Laws of 1969, which establishes the bonding capacity of a school district as being a certain percentage of the "value of the taxable property in such district," the measuring property value is the actual "true and fair" value in money of the property in the district as contrasted with the assessed valuation of such property. (2) In the case of a school district located in a county for which the assessment ratio used by the county assessor for property tax purposes has been and is presently 25% of the true value of the taxable property, the combined effect of (a) § 1, chapter 142, Laws of 1969, and (b) the decision of the state supreme court in Carkonen, et al. v. Williams, et al. , ____ Wn.2d ____ [[76 Wn.2d 617]](September 4, 1969), and accompanying order of the state department of revenue requiring use of a 50% assessment ration as of January 1, 1970, will be to increase such district's bonding capacity by a multiple of four.

AGO 1996 NO. 15 >

RCW 42.23.030 does not prohibit the service of one spouse as a county commissioner (and ex officio local health board member) while the other spouse serves as administrative officer of the health department; these positions are both public offices and the compensation for them does not arise out of contract.

AGO 1968 NO. 16 >

(1) A fire protection district which has both full time, paid firemen and volunteer firemen in its fire service may provide civil service coverage for its full time, paid firemen under the provisions of RCW 52.36.060. (2) A fire protection district which determines to provide civil service coverage for its full time, paid firemen under RCW 52.36.060, is thereby governed by all the provisions of chapter 41.08 RCW to the same extent as a city or town. (3) Members of a board of fire commissioners of a fire protection district which establishes a civil service system for its full time paid firemen under RCW 52.36.060 may not simultaneously serve as members of the civil service commission.

AGO 1981 NO. 16 >

Although a reduction (from 183 to 180) in the number of days in the current (1981-82) school year during which the certificated employees of a certain school district will be required to work, when coupled with a continuation of the same annual salaries as were paid during the previous (1980-81) school year, will result in a "salary increase" in the literal sense as that term is used in § 1, chapter 16, Laws of 1981, such a salary increase would not, by and of itself, trigger the restrictive provisions of the subject legislation.