Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1979 NO. 37 >

Legal ability of a county auditor, with or without the approval of his board of county commissioners and at either county or his own expense, in conjunction with a state or county general election, ". . . to have ballots prepared for the general election which include an advisory popularity poll of ten 'candidates' for the Presidency."

AGO 1965 NO. 38 >

A county finance committee does not have the authority to direct which of several eligible banks shall be designated by the county treasurer as depositary of county funds or to determine the amount of funds to be placed in a particular depositary.

AGO 1963 NO. 39 >

A board of county commissioners has the authority to rent county road equipment to local civil defense organizations of the political subdivisions of this state for civil defense purposes.

AGO 1961 NO. 39 >

Under the provisions of chapter 27, Laws of 1961, boards of county commissioners may adopt such provisions of chapter 19.28 RCW as are necessary for the regulation and control of the installation of electrical wires, equipment, apparatus or appliances, including any rules or regulations relating to such installation as are presently promulgated by the department of labor and industries.

AGLO 1973 NO. 42 >

Funds held in trust for litigants by a county clerk under RCW 36.48.080, when deposited with a "qualified public depositary" under chapter 193, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess., are encompassed within the definition of "public deposits" is § 1 (1) of this 1969 act, as recently amended by § 8, chapter 126, Laws of 1973.

AGLO 1977 NO. 44 >

When appointed pursuant to RCW 46.01.130-46.01.140, a county auditor serves as statutory agent for the state Department of Licensing in connection with the licensing of motor vehicles. The resulting relationship may not be unilaterally terminated by the county auditor even in the event of a work stoppage or strike, or other emergency situation; however, the state director of licensing retains the ultimate responsibility for implementation of the state motor vehicle licensing system together with full authority to exercise requisite control and supervision over county auditors as statutory agents.

AGO 1959 NO. 44 >

A county sheriff is no longer liable for the acts of his deputies who are in the classified service since the enactment of Initiative 23; but he is liable for acts of his deputies who are not in the classified service.

AGLO 1974 NO. 45 >

(1) In providing for a state building code for cities and towns, chapter 96, Laws of 1974, 1st Ex. Sess., imposes a standard fee schedule in connection with the administration of such code in place of such local fee schedules in effect on January 1, 1975. (2) Chapter 96, supra, does not permit local governments to treat the fees set forth in the state building code as a minimum schedule and to fix higher fees independently of further legislation.

AGO 1959 NO. 46 >

RCW 36.17.040, authorizing the payment of salaries bimonthly to county employees, as amended by chapter 300, Laws of 1959, supersedes RCW 36.22.050, restricting the issuance of warrants for ten days after the date of allowance.

AGO 1959 NO. 48 >

(1)  Money left from the state allocation of funds to the county superintendent for the 1958-59 school year should be transferred to the new county superintendent's special service fund by order or resolution of the board of county commissioners. (2)  Any state funds received under the allocation for the year 1958-59 that will be unexpended on July 1, 1959, must be considered in computing the amount of state funds to be allocated for the year 1959-60. (3)  Money remaining in the special service fund December 31, 1959, will remain in the fund and will not lapse; and in expending funds from the special service allotments, the calendar year prescribed for county budgets must be followed.  (4)  The county board of education cannot by resolution give authority to the county superintendent of schools to sign vouchers drawn upon such fund.