Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1977 NO. 56 >

A city, town or county may not amend the state building code as it applies within its jurisdiction so as to require state agencies to comply with local zoning or other land use controls as a condition precedent to receiving a local building permit.

AGLO 1976 NO. 57 >

Under the provisions of RCW 42.17.260 ‑ 42.17.310, a determination that certain records in the custody of a city police department do, or do not, contain specific intelligence information or the identity of persons who file complaints with investigative, law enforcement, or penology agencies will not, by and of itself, establish whether the records involved may legally be disclosed to the news media or other members of the public; instead, in each case a further determination must be made, on the basis of the facts of the particular case, whether disclosure will violate an individual's right of personal privacy or a vital governmental interest.

AGLO 1975 NO. 60 >

(1) A district justice court has the authority to place a defendant convicted of a violation of a city ordinance on probation under the supervision of a county probation officer serving in a county department organized pursuant to RCW 9.95.210 even without an interlocal cooperation agreement. (2) A district court does not have authority to direct a defendant convicted of a misdemeanor to pay a probation service fee to the county probation department as revenue to assist in the administration of the department.

AGLO 1976 NO. 60 >

In connection with its adoption of an ordinance under RCW 36.32.120, a board of county commissioners may, but is not required to, conduct an advisory election to be participated in by the voters of the county.

AGO 1965 NO. 61 >

The board of county commissioners may expend county road funds to construct a separate building on courthouse grounds for housing county road equipment and to provide office space for the county engineer.

AGLO 1975 NO. 63 >

Extent to which the 1975 legislature may constitutionally divert proceeds derived from local motor vehicle excise taxes under RCW 35.58.273, et seq., from the taxing municipality for other purposes.

AGO 1955 NO. 66 >

The county commissioners cannot authorize a health and welfare plan for employees without statutory authority.

AGLO 1976 NO. 67 >

A newspaper which is published on less than a weekly basis may not be designated as the official paper of a county under RCW 36.72.010, et seq.

AGO 1953 NO. 69 >

A county may accept a dedication under section 4 of the Columbia Basin Project Act of lands to be used for park purposes under the control and management of a non-profit [[nonprofit]]corporation.

AGLO 1976 NO. 70 >

If a board of county commissioners elects to conduct its annual budget hearing on the first Monday in December, as permitted by RCW 36.40.071, instead of conducting that hearing on the first Monday in October as provided for under RCW 36.40.070, the board may then lawfully fix the amount of the county property tax levy necessary to fund the budget at that later time rather than on the second Monday in October as "apparently mandated" by RCW 84.52.070.