Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1981 NO. 9 >

(1) In the light of 1981 legislation, the maximum rate of interest, or service charge, which may now lawfully be imposed in connection with designated types of transactions is as follows: (a) Contract sales of real property‑-the higher of twelve percent per annum or four percentage points over the equivalent coupon issue yield of the average bill rate for twenty-six week treasury bills as determined at the first bill market auction conducted during the preceding calendar month (e.g., for contracts entered into in June, 1981, 20.58 percent), except that this limitation is not applicable if the particular contract is not primarily entered into for personal, family or household purposes or if the transaction is for agricultural, commercial, investment or business purposes and the purchaser is not a natural person; (b) Retail installment sales transactions‑-1-1/2 percent per month (or $1 if greater) for retail charge agreement transactions (e.g., purchases pursuant to a retailer's credit card) and, in the case of purchases covered by a retail installment contract, six percentage points above the average of the equivalent coupon yields of the bill rates for twenty-six week treasury bills for the last market auction conducted during February, May, August and November of the year prior to the year in which the contract is executed (e.g., for retail installment contracts during calendar year 1981, 18.5 percent); (c) Bank credit card transactions‑-the higher of (i) 12 percent, (ii) the rate computed by application of the same formula as now applies to real estate contracts, above, or (iii) 1 percent above the Federal Reserve Bank's discount rate;(2) The foregoing interest rate limitations apply to (a) contracts for the sale of real property entered into on or after May 8, 1981, with the caveat that the general usury statute, chapter 19.52 RCW, should be deemed to have become applicable to such contracts as of February 11, 1981; (b) retail installment transactions likewise occurring on or after May 8, 1981 with, however, a limited exception involving certain existing agreements; and (c) bank credit card transactions entered into on or after May 8, 1981, the effective dates of chapters 77 and 78, Laws of 1981.[[Orig. Op. Page 2]]

AGO 1973 NO. 9 >

(1) An agreement by a school district in reducing its force of certificated teachers for financial reasons to grant those teachers whose contracts are not to be renewed an unpaid leave of absence coupled with a right to return at some future date, if and when future teaching vacancies occur within the district for which they are qualified, will be enforceable by a separated teacher only if it is supported by an adequate legal consideration. (2) Such an agreement must be in writing in order to satisfy the requirements of RCW 28A.67.070, and of RCW 19.36.020 as well if the rights thereby granted are intended to be enforceable for more than one year beyond the date of its execution. (3) Considerable doubt must be expressed as to the enforceability of such a leave of absence coupled with a right of return if the term of leave exceeds one year in duration. (4) During the period of an unpaid leave of absence a teacher will not be eligible for active participation in the state teachers' retirement system as an employee of the district granting the leave. (5) Whether during the period of an unpaid leave of absence a teacher will be eligible to continue participating at his own expense in a medical insurance program provided for by the school district under RCW 28A.58.420 or RCW 41.04.180 will depend upon the terms of the particular insurance contract involved.

AGO 1976 NO. 11 >

(1) Under § 3, chapter 58, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex.Sess., when a comprehensive solid waste plan adopted under RCW 70.95.080 incorporates the use of transfer stations, the transportation of solid waste between disposal sites in transfer trailers, but not in "drop box" detachable containers, is thereby exempt from regulation by the Washington utilities and transportation commission.  (2) Under § 3, chapter 58, Laws of 1975-76, 2nd Ex. Sess., a county in which a comprehensive solid waste plan has been adopted may contract for the hauling of solid waste between disposal sites in transfer trailers, but not in detachable containers, either by the normal bidding process or by negotiation with the qualified collection agency serving the area under the authority of chapter 81.77 RCW; contracts utilizing the use of detachable containers, however, must follow the normal bidding process where applicable.

AGO 1992 NO. 11 >

1.  A water district commissioner is a municipal officer subject to the Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers, chapter 42.23 RCW.  Under RCW 42.23.030 a water district commissioner cannot have a beneficial interest in a contract with the district where the water district's total liability exceeds $750 in any calendar month. 2.  A part-time employee, operating under the control of a board of water commissioners is not a municipal officer subject to the Code of Ethics for Municipal Officers.  Thus, the restrictions in RCW 42.23.030 do not apply to the part-time employee.

AGO 1980 NO. 12 >

A two-party real estate contract for the sale of residential real property, involving only the owner-seller (whether commercial or private) of the real property and the purchaser thereof, is not subject to the twelve percent per annum interest limitation contained in Washington's usury statute, RCW 19.52.020.

AGO 1982 NO. 12 >

So long as the maximum rate does not exceed that which is permitted by RCW 63.14.130(1) in those instances where that statute applies, the Washington Retail Installment Sales Act, as codified in chapter 63.14 RCW, does not prohibit a retail seller from imposing a variable rate of service charge in a retail installment contract for the purchase of a manufactured home.

AGO 1983 NO. 13 >

The provisions of chapter 39.12 RCW, the state prevailing wage law, do not apply to bus drivers or like personnel employed by private companies providing transportation services to a school district by contract.

AGO 1978 NO. 13 >

(1) The provisions of Article VIII, § 7 of the Washington Constitution prohibit a city or public utility district from assisting its utility customers, generally, in the purchase of such conservation materials as insulation or storm windows from private suppliers by providing to the seller a guarantee of payment of part or all of the agreed upon purchase price for the conservation materials involved.  (2) The same provisions of Article VIII, § 7 of the Washington Constitution, however, do not prohibit a city or public utility district from itself purchasing and then later selling such conservation materials to its customers, generally, by means of installment contracts under which payment of the purchase price, plus a service charge, would be made by the purchasers on a periodic basis over a specified period of time.

AGO 1977 NO. 13 >

(1) A person newly employed by a school district in a teaching or other supervisory certificated position remains a "provisional employee," within the meaning of RCW 28A.67.072, for a twelve‑month (or 365 day) period commencing on the date of his employment and ending one year later.  (2) The procedures for contract renewal which are provided for under RCW 28A.67.072 in the case of provisional school district employees may only be utilized if notice of nonrenewal is given by not later than the May 15th date which falls within the term of an individual's first year of employment as above defined.

AGLO 1974 NO. 14 >

A county of the first class and a housing authority may contract for the joint construction and/or operation of a group home for the developmentally disabled under chapter 35.82 RCW as amended by chapter 198, § 2, Laws of 1973, 1st Ex. Sess.