Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1962 NO. 146 >

(1) A member of the 37th legislature may accept an office or employment covered by the state civil service law provided the position is not a public office created by the 37th legislature or a public office the emoluments of which were increased by the 37th legislature provided the office is not incompatible with the office of a legislator or creates a conflict of interest. (2) A state employee or officer covered by the state civil service law may not engage in the management of partisan political campaigns, including his own, unless the campaign be one for a part-time public office in a political subdivision of the state.  Resignation or termination must precede engagement in the management of a campaign for legislative office. (3) A state employee who resigns his civil service position would be eligible for reinstatement provided he meets the requirements set forth in the merit system rule.

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