Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1963 NO. 36 >

1. Chapter 95, Laws of 1963, does not authorize a city by ordinance, or its civil service commission by rule, to require a fireman or policeman to maintain residence within the city as a condition of employment.2. A city by ordinance or the civil service commission by rule may, with qualifications, set a mandatory retirement age for employees having civil service status but who are not members of any retirement system at the time said ordinance or rule, if enacted or adopted, becomes effective.

AGO 1959 NO. 58 >

(1) and (2) A third class city adopting the council-manager form of government at a special election on November 3, 1959, may hold an election on the second Tuesday of March, 1960 to elect new city officials and such an election would be a special election.  (3) Three of the city councilmen elected in the special election in March, 1960 would serve until the first Monday in April, 1962 and four of the councilmen would serve until the first Monday in April, 1964.

AGO 1959 NO. 93 >

(1) Chapter 76, Laws of 1959, imposes a mandatory duty upon a city council to appoint two additional councilmen after the population of a city increases to over 2,000 inhabitants; (2) the thirty day provision of chapter 76, Laws of 1959, for the appointment of two additional councilmen is directory.

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