Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

A former Spokane County worker was arraigned today on charges that she fraudulently obtained $1.38 million from Spokane County by filing fictitious claims on behalf of 45 individuals over a 10-year period.
El Procurador General Bob Ferguson anunció hoy que Greyhound Lines Inc. pagará $2.2 millones para resolver su demanda sobre la práctica de la línea de autobuses de permitir que los agentes de Aduanas y Protección Fronteriza de los EE.UU. (U.S. Customs & Border Protection) (CBP) aborden sus autobuses para llevar a cabo redadas migratorias sin contar con órdenes judiciales ni sospecha razonable cuando no tenían que hacerlo. Greyhound no les advirtió a los clientes sobre las redadas, tergiversó su rol en permitir que se realizaran redadas y sometió a sus pasajeros a la discriminación a base de raza, color de la piel o nacionalidad.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that Kirkland-based timeshare exit company, Reed Hein & Associates LLC, must stop its deceptive timeshare exit practices and pay $2.61 million to Washington. If the company violates the terms of the consent decree, it will be required to pay an additional $19 million — a total judgment of $22 million. Reed Hein also retracted and apologized for statements made in response to the Attorney General’s lawsuit.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that Greyhound Lines Inc. will pay $2.2 million to resolve his lawsuit over the bus line’s practice of allowing U.S. Customs & Border Protection (CBP) agents on its buses to conduct warrantless and suspicionless immigration sweeps when it didn’t have to. Greyhound failed to warn customers of the sweeps, misrepresented its role in allowing the sweeps to occur and subjected its passengers to discrimination based on race, skin color or national origin.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson offers the following statement on joining a coalition of 24 attorneys general in filing an amicus, or “friend of the court,” brief [LINK] asking the U.S. District Court for the Western District of Texas to put Texas’ law banning virtually all abortions on hold pending appeals:
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson offers the following statement on the Biden administration’s continuation of a Trump administration challenge to Washington’s law strengthening workers compensation access for sick Hanford workers:
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that Renton-based collection agency Convergent will pay more than $1.6 million over misleading letters it sent to Washingtonians. The letters contained “settlement offers” to settle debts, including student loans, but failed to disclose that Convergent could not enforce the debt in court. The term “settlement offer” deceptively suggested the possibility of litigation to collect the debt. As a result of the Attorney General’s case, the 1,405 Washingtonians who sent money to Convergent will get back the money they sent to the company, plus interest — a total of nearly $710,000.
OLYMPIA: генеральный прокурор Bob Ferguson предлагает рекомендации для потребителей коммунальных услуг, у которых есть просроченные счета и которые могут подвергнуться риску отключения коммунальных услуг. Действие моратория штата на отключение коммунальных услуг заканчивается 30 сентября.
OLYMPIA — El Procurador General Bob Ferguson está ofreciendo orientación para los clientes de servicios públicos que tienen cuentas atrasadas y que podrían estar en riesgo de que les corten los servicios. La moratoria estatal sobre las desconexiones de servicios públicos finaliza el 30 de septiembre.
OLYMPIA — Tổng Chưởng Lý Bob Ferguson đang cung cấp hướng dẫn cho các khách hàng sử dụng dịch vụ tiện ích có các khoản nợ quá hạn và đang gặp nguy cơ bị ngừng dịch vụ tiện ích. Lệnh tạm hoãn ngừng cung cấp dịch vụ tiện ích trên toàn tiểu bang sẽ hết hiệu lực vào ngày 30 tháng 9.
