Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed an unredacted complaint against Oxycontin maker Purdue Pharma, which reveals previously sealed details from the company’s internal documents.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced a lawsuit against national hotel chain Motel 6 for voluntarily providing guest lists to agents of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on a routine basis for at least two years. Each time Motel 6 released a guest list, it included the name and private information of every guest at the hotel.
More than 800,000 Washington borrowers owe more than $24B in student loan debt
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced a lawsuit against a Leavenworth man and his family for pocketing most of $1.5 million in donations that thousands of Washingtonians thought was going to disadvantaged children. Roy Bronsin Haueter’s family instead used most of the donations to pay themselves and go on family vacations.
SEATTLE — Today Attorney General Bob Ferguson amended his lawsuit against Comcast to include new evidence revealing even more deceptive conduct than previously alleged.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced a consumer protection lawsuit against the for-profit company that owns Value Village, alleging Bellevue-based TVI, Inc. has deceived thousands of Washington consumers and donors for more than a decade.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson released the following statement on today's Federal Communications Commission vote to repeal net neutrality.  
OLYMPIA — Scammers are posing as the Washington State Supreme Court Clerk to call Washingtonians to demand money and threaten arrest. The fraudulent calls have so far targeted individuals with Hispanic last names.
OLYMPIA — Algunos estafadores se están haciendo pasar por el Secretario del Tribunal Superior para llamar a los habitantes de Washington para exigirles dinero y amenazarlos con arrestarlos. Hasta el momento, las llamadas han tenido como blanco personas con apellidos hispanos.
