Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Internet-based Work-At-Home Scam Sued by AG's High-Tech Unit

Seattle - Sept. 19, 2001 - Attorney General Christine Gregoire today continued her campaign against Internet fraud by suing a web-based company that markets a work-at-home program considered to be an illegal pyramid scheme.

In a complaint filed in Kitsap County Superior Court, the AG's High-Tech Unit accused SJ Gabel, a Bremerton company, and its owners, Susan J. Gabel and Claudette Richardson, of violating the state's Chain Distribution Scheme Act and Consumer Protection Act.

Western AGs Hand Enron Documents to Congressional Investigators

OLYMPIA-- Attorney General Christine Gregoire, along with California AG Bill Lockyer and Oregon AG Hardy Myers, today sent congressional investigators newly uncovered Enron documents outlining corporate schemes to manipulate energy markets in the West.

"These new documents, with notes from energy traders, are just the latest indication of something we've suspected all along, that Enron was manipulating prices to the detriment of Northwest consumers," Gregoire said.

McKenna leads expert panels on cybercrime, homeland security at Nat’l AG Summit

BIG SKY, Mont. – Attorney General Rob McKenna will lead two top-level sessions focusing cybercrime and homeland security at the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) 2005 Summer Meeting this week.

“ Washington has some of the top experts in these areas and I’m proud to have helped facilitate bringing their knowledge and experience before my fellow AGs,” McKenna said.

State Asks Federal Judge to Dismiss Blanket Primary Challenge

OLYMPIA - The Attorney General's Office today asked a federal judge to dismiss a case brought by state political parties challenging the constitutionality of Washington's primary election system.

The state contends the blanket primary is constitutional, and that the political parties have failed to show they can present sufficient evidence to win their case at trial.

AG Gregoire Statement Concerning New Enron Memos

OLYMPIA -- In January 2001, my office joined California and Oregon in investigating whether state or federal laws were violated during the recent energy crisis that resulted in dramatic increases in power costs for thousands of Washington consumers.
We had strong reason to believe that Enron and other energy companies were manipulating the energy market during this time. While the company said it had nothing to hide, until just recently it refused to cooperate by producing documents necessary for the states' investigation.