Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Proposed settlement in Puget Sound Energy sale is “inferior choice,” says Public Counsel

SEATTLE – The Public Counsel Section of the Washington State Attorney General’s Office today recommended that the state Utilities and Transportation Commission (UTC) not approve a settlement that would allow acquisition of Puget Sound Energy by a consortium of private equity investors. Section Chief Simon ffitch said expert testimony filed today by Public Counsel shows the settlement provisions do not do enough to address public interest concerns with the sale.

AG’s office charges Bremerton woman for claiming she was caring for dead mother

OLYMPIA – The Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit (MFCU) charged a Bremerton woman Wednesday with nine counts of Medicaid fraud for billing the government for care she claimed to have provided to her mother long after her mother had died.

Dominique S. Lowe was traveling in Michigan and Virginia on dates she says she was providing Medicaid Personal Care Services for her mother, who had died months earlier.

McKenna announces appeal of water rights decision

OLYMPIA – Attorney General Rob McKenna today announced the state will appeal a recent King County Superior Court ruling that suggests three sections of the Municipal Water law are invalid.

“We respectfully disagree with the Superior Court’s decision to strike down three of the eight challenged sections of the Municipal Water Law,” McKenna said. “We believe that the law as crafted by the Legislature is a constitutionally-sound way to protect our growing water needs while protecting the environment. I’m confident that our view will ultimately prevail in court.”