Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

Walla Walla drywall contractor ordered to pay $1 million in workers’ comp premiums, penalties

This release is compliments of the Washington State Department of Labor & Industries

TUMWATER — A former drywall contractor in Walla Walla must pay more than $1 million in delinquent workers’ compensation premiums and penalties.

The Washington State Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals recently held Shawn A. Campbell and his spouse personally liable for unpaid premiums, interest and late penalties racked up by his company, E & E Acoustics, LLC.

AG Ferguson and Sen. Padden urge House action on felony DUI bill

OLYMPIA — Today the House Public Safety Committee heard public testimony on a measure sponsored by Sen. Mike Padden that would make a fourth DUI conviction within 10 years a felony.

“This bill is really about going after those repeat offenders who are putting the public at risk and even taking lives,” said Padden, who chairs the Senate Law and Justice Committee. “This change would help deter some people from driving drunk, and take those who refuse to change their behavior off our roads.”

AG’s Sexually Violent Predator bill unanimously approved in Senate

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s proposal to close a loophole in the Sexually Violent Predator statute to prevent the release of offenders who have not been rehabilitated, passed the state Senate yesterday, 46 to 0.

The bill will address shortcomings in the current law by: (1) making any report or testimony offered by an expert on an offender’s behalf inadmissible unless the offender has participated in the state’s most recent annual review; and (2) defining treatment as the sex-offender specific treatment program at the Special Commitment Center.