SEATTLE – Attorney General Rob McKenna today announced a settlement with two New York-based companies accused of violating Washington state's consumer protection and computer spyware laws.
Olympia Attorney General Chris Gregoire said today's 5-4 ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court upholding a Sexually Violent Predator Law modeled after Washington's statute is a major milestone in restoring public confidence in our system of justice.
June 26, 1997 - Olympia--Attorney General Christine Gregoire said today that while the United States Supreme Court said there's no constitutional right to physician-assisted suicide, it left the door open for Washington citizens to change the law that currently bans such practices.
SEATTLE - August 15, 1997 - The State Court of Appeals this week upheld a $500,000 penalty imposed in 1995 on a former Bellevue mortgage broker who used customer deposits to pay his personal rent. The penalty was part of a $2.3 million judgment against a series of mortgage brokers. This is the largest contested judgment ever entered in a consumer protection action brought by the Washington Attorney General.
SEATTLE - August 19, 1997 - In an agreement with the State Attorney General’s Office, Leonard E. Vainio, owner of American Eyecare of Bellevue, has been barred from owning and operating any type of optical business in Washington for at least 10 years. The agreement is part of a settlement in an AG consumer protection lawsuit against Vainio.
Seattle - September 18, 1997 - The Office of the Insurance Commissioner and the Office of the Attorney General today announced major action has been taken to improve the way auto-related products including credit insurance and service contracts are sold to consumers.
Seattle - July 1, 1999- Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire today announced that Sleep Country USA has agreed to stop using deceptive advertising, including a false claim that its prices are "the lowest ever in Sleep Country’s history."
Seattle - May 31, 2002 - Avista Utilities will not increase its rates further and will have to absorb a greater share of its expensive power purchasing agreements, according to a settlement reached today between the utility, state regulators and the Washington State Attorney General.
Olympia – August 3, 2001 - Attorney General Christine Gregoire has sued tobacco companies in Arizona and the Philippines for failing to make state-mandated payments that are set aside to cover possible judgments against them in future state lawsuits.
December 23, 1998 - The Attorney General's Office has filed a petition with the U. S. Supreme Court appealing a Ninth Circuit ruling that awarded shellfish harvesting rights to Washington Indian Tribes.