Seattle - August 13, 1998 - In its second action in eight months against the same firm, the Washington Attorney General's office has fined a New Jersey fundraiser $109,290 for violating a Court order that the firm agreed to obey just last December.
SEATTLE -April 9, 1997- The Washington State Attorney General's Office today filed lawsuits against three fund-raising organizations who use and abuse the name of police and fire fighters to deceive consumers and businesses into donating thousands of dollars each year.
Seattle - Janaury 7,1998 - In a continued crackdown on deceptive charitable solicitations, the Attorney General's Office today announced a $55,000 settlement with a New Jersey based telephone fund-raiser for two major Washington police organizations.
Seattle - August 8, 2000 -Washington and 29 other states and territories today accused some of the nation’s largest recorded-music distributors and retailers of illegally fixing compact disc prices charged by retailers, Attorney General Christine Gregoire said.
Olympia -- Attorney General Christine Gregoire today called for an aggressive, sustained and comprehensive assault against spam by government, industry and consumers.
December 11, 1998 - The state will receive nearly $400,000 in restitution and overpayments from two Tacoma dentists who were sentenced yesterday in Pierce County Superior Court for submitting false bills to the state's Medicaid program.
Olympia -July 27, 2000- An Olympia car dealer accused of unfair and deceptive sales practices will pay $75,000 in fees and penalties and be required to make restitution to consumers victimized by its practices, Washington Attorney General Christine Gregoire said today.
OLYMPIA - July 27, 1998 - In legal papers filed today, the state Attorney General's Office charges that the state Republican Party intentionally violated Washington's campaign finance law to purchase the so-called “Tell Gary Locke” television ad shortly before the 1996 general election.
OLYMPIA – Attorney General Rob McKenna issued the following statement regarding developments today in the security breach at CardSystems Solutions, Inc.:
Olympia - June 7, 2001 - The Washington Supreme Court today unanimously upheld the constitutionality of the state's anti-spam e-mail law in the nation's first case involving a state law designed to protect Internet users from deceptive commercial e-mail.