Seattle - Attorney General Rob McKenna and Comcast Senior Vice President Mitch Bowling met today to kick off Internet Safety Month and to discuss efforts to increase parental awareness of the tools available to keep their children safe on the Internet. McKenna has recorded public service announcements with McGruff the Crime Dog about Internet safety for kids that will run on Comcast in Washington over the next couple of months.
Seattle - Attorney General Rob McKenna and Comcast Senior Vice President Mitch Bowling will hold a media availability on Thursday, Oct. 4 focusing on increasing parental awareness of the tools available to keep their children safe on the Internet. Attorney General McKenna will also unveil PSA spots that will be aired on Comcast beginning this month, which is Internet Safety Month and National Crime Prevention Month.
OLYMPIA…Attorney General Rob McKenna will award a grant to the Citizens for Safe Yakima Communities (CSC) for consumer education about methamphetamine. Meth is the primary drug threat to Washington. CSC’s Meth Reduction Action Team will receive a $25,000 grant to educate youth, parents and the public about the dangers of meth in the community.
Attorney General Rob McKenna today argued on behalf of Washington citizens before the US Supreme Court, defending Initiative 872, the “Top-Two Primary” initiative passed by about 60 percent of voters in 2004.
Seattle - Attorney General Rob McKenna and Comcast Senior Vice President Mitch Bowling will hold a media availability on Thursday, Oct. 4 focusing on increasing parental awareness of the tools available to keep their children safe on the Internet. Attorney General McKenna will also unveil PSA spots that will be aired on Comcast beginning this month, which is Internet Safety Month and National Crime Prevention Month.
SEATTLE - Attorney General Rob McKenna is pleased to announce that Simon ffitch, division chief of the Attorney General's Public Counsel office, has been appointed to serve as a consumer representative on the Federal-State Joint Board on Universal Service. ffitch was nominated for the position by the National Association of State Utility Consumer Advocates (NASUCA) and the appointment was confirmed by FCC Chairman Kevin Martin on Friday, Sept. 28.
SPOKANE – Avista customers in Eastern Washington will be able to tell state regulators on Tuesday Oct. 2 what they think about the company’s proposal to increase electric and natural-gas rates. The Attorney General’s Public Counsel Section, which represents the public in utility rate cases, encourages customers to attend and express their views. Public Counsel will also attend the hearing.
SEATTLE – A reminder for everyone who signed up for the national Do Not Call Registry back in 2003 when it was created: It’s time to renew your spot on the list if you want to continue to stay off of telemarketers’ phone lists. Numbers are flushed after five years. About half of the 148 million numbers on the nationwide registry are due to fall off the list starting in June.
Olympia – More than 5,000 Washington residents become victims of identity theft each year according to reports from the Federal Trade Commission. That ranks Washington in the top 10 states for per capita victim reports. Attorney General Rob McKenna will visit Olympia on Thursday, Oct. 4, to help raise awareness of identity theft prevention and assist the public in keeping sensitive documents out of the hands of crooks.
OLYMPIA–The Attorney General’s Office today announced a $140,000 settlement in a case involving the 2001 election of pro-third-runway candidates for the Des Moines City Council.