Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s proposal to close a loophole in the Sexually Violent Predator statute to prevent the release of offenders who have not been rehabilitated, passed the state Senate yesterday, 46 to 0.
OLYMPIA — Today the House Public Safety Committee heard public testimony on a measure sponsored by Sen. Mike Padden that would make a fourth DUI conviction within 10 years a felony.
OLYMPIA — The Washington House of Representatives yesterday passed Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s Patent Troll Prevention Act, a bill to protect Washington small businesses from predatory and bad faith patent infringement claims and demands, in an overwhelming 94-3 vote.
OLYMPIA — Today, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s legislation strengthening the state’s data breach notification law passed the state Senate, 47 to 0.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s proposal to ban “ticket bot” software has unanimously passed the state Senate, 49 to 0.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today expressed his disappointment with the House Finance Committee for drastically altering Ferguson’s agency-request legislation to raise the smoking age to 21.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today applauded President Obama’s recent push on a proposal to reform federal payday lending rules, while encouraging state legislators to reject a bill that purports to do the same thing. - See more at: /news/news-releases/ag-renews-call-reject-payday-lending-bill#sthash.kE1g23Cm.dpuf
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson will testify before the House Finance Committee tomorrow regarding his agency-request bill to raise the smoking age.
OLYMPIA — A new scientific report issued yesterday by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) strongly concludes that increasing the age for the sale of tobacco products to 21 will have a substantial positive impact on public health, helping to fight the scourge of tobacco use and save lives. The findings add additional weight to Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s proposed legislation to raise the tobacco sale age.
OLYMPIA — Today, Washington Attorney General Bob Ferguson’s legislation strengthening the state’s data breach notification law passed the House of Representatives, 97 to 0, with strong bipartisan support.
