Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

SEATTLE – Attorney General Rob McKenna today announced that Washington filed a new lawsuit against the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. The suit is a major development in the state’s longstanding fight to ensure timely cleanup of 56 million gallons of nuclear waste stored in Hanford’s leaky underground tanks, and continuation of the process to license Yucca Mountain as a deep geologic disposal site.
McKenna unveils training materials to empower bank employees to protect vulnerable adults BELLEVUE – It was a story that brought new attention to a growing problem: helpless seniors preyed upon by caregivers, friends, and relatives.
Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Unit gives updates on Lewis and Thurston County cases OLYMPIA –  The Attorney General’s Medicaid Fraud Control Unit  (MFCU) announced two new developments today. Robert Miller, formerly from Chehalis, was sentenced Wednesday to four months in jail for fraudulently taking nearly $30,000 from the state’s Medicaid program.  Last year state prosecutors charged Miller with First Degree Theft and Medicaid False Statement because he submitted forged documents and submitted bills for services that weren’t being provided. Miller has also fully repaid Medicaid.
OLYMPIA – Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna issued the following statement today regarding the decision by the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit rejecting a request to stop the federal Department of Energy (DOE) from unilaterally terminating the Yucca Mountain development process
 Also receives Kelley-Wyman award, AG association’s highest honor CHICAGO – Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna now leads the organization that combines the brain and fire-power of the states’ chief legal officers. McKenna became the president of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG) on Wednesday night, and simultaneously received the organization’s highest award.  
CHICAGO—Attorney General Rob McKenna announced his 2011-2012 presidential initiative to combat human trafficking nationwide at a June 23 launch event in Chicago following his installation as president of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG).
 McKenna announces presidential initiative at June 23 kickoff event CHICAGO — Attorney General Rob  McKenna will announce his 2011-2012 presidential initiative to combat human trafficking nationwide at a June 23 launch event in Chicago following his installation as president of the National Association of Attorneys General (NAAG).
Law enforcement heroes recognized in Medal of Honor ceremony OLYMPIA – Today, Washington State Attorney General McKenna honored four law-enforcement officers who made incredible sacrifices in the line of duty.
OLYMPIA – The Washington state Law Enforcement Medal of Honor/Peace Officers Memorial ceremony will be held in Olympia on Friday. 
OLYMPIA – Washington State Attorney General Rob McKenna expressed gratitude to legislators today for supporting several of his 2011 legislative proposals.
