Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced a new partnership with the Federal Communications Commission, establishing critical information sharing and structures for cooperation in investigating robocall scams.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson is warning Washingtonians to be on the lookout for scammers targeting donations to aid Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees amid Russia’s ongoing invasion. Ferguson is asking Washingtonians to report suspicious solicitations to his office.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today an initiative to combat robocalls in Washington state. The Attorney General’s Office created a new complaint form for Washingtonians tailored for reporting robocalls.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson is alerting Washingtonians to scammers targeting new business owners, sending hundreds of thousands of deceptive letters into the state. The letters deceptively appear to originate from the government, and demand payment for documents that should be free, or are available for a much lower price from the legitimate agency. About 15,000 Washington businesses have already fallen victim, paying more than $1.2 million.
SEATTLE — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed consumer protection lawsuits against two companies and their owners for sending more than 210,000 deceptive letters to small business owners in Washington. The letters deceptively appear to originate from the government, and demand payment for a “Certificate of Status” or a workplace poster that are available from the government free of charge or for a fraction of the monetary demand. More than 15,000 Washington businesses paid these two defendants more than $1.2 million in response to their deceptive letters.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson today filed a lawsuit against Seattle-based US Stemology and its owner, Dr. Tami Meraglia, for deceptively marketing stem cell treatments for COVID-19 and dozens of other serious medical conditions, including asthma, lupus, Parkinson’s, congestive heart failure and multiple sclerosis. There is no reliable clinical evidence stem cell therapy can effectively treat these conditions.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson today announced that his office’s Consumer Protection Division, and other divisions that work directly on behalf of Washingtonians, have delivered more than $1.14 billion since January 2013, including the Purdue Pharma bankruptcy resolution that awaits court approval.
OLYMPIA — Attorney General Bob Ferguson urges all Washingtonians who believe they were impacted by the data breach announced by T-Mobile in August 2021 to take appropriate steps to protect their personal information from identity theft.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today that Washington will receive an additional $113 million from Purdue Pharma and the Sackler family as a result of Ferguson leading a challenge to the Oxycontin maker’s bankruptcy plan.
Attorney General Bob Ferguson announced today a consumer protection lawsuit against five Swedish hospitals and nine Providence-affiliated facilities for failing to ensure that eligible low-income Washingtonians receive the discounts to which they are legally entitled, and aggressively collecting money from charity care eligible low-income Washingtonians.
