AGO 2012 NO. 1 >
CITIES—LAW AGAINST DISCRIMINATION—PREEMPTION—Whether State Law Requiring Food Establishments To Accommodate Trained Guide Dogs And Miniature Horses Preempts An Ordinance Of A First Class City Requiring Accommodation Of A Broader Class Of Animals
An ordinance of a first class city that
AGO 2012 NO. 2 >
HEALTH—TRANSIENT ACCOMODATIONS—Inspection Of Occupied Hotel And Motel Rooms
The Department of Health is precluded by statute from inspecting occupied rooms when conducting inspections of transient accommodations, without regard to presence or consent of the occupant.
February 9, 2012
AGO 2012 NO. 3 >
The lien in favor of the state for payment of deferred property taxes and special assessments created under RCW 84.38.100 is canceled when a county acquires title to the property through foreclosure for delinquent taxes. Where
AGO 2012 NO. 4 >
COUNTIES—COUNTY COMMISSIONER—CONTRACT—LEGISLATIVE AUTHORITY—Power Of County Legislative Authority To Enter Into Contract That Binds The County Legislative Authority In The Future
A county legislative authority is generally prohibited from entering into contracts that bind the future legislative
AGO 2012 NO. 5 >
BONDS—EDUCATIONAL SERVICE DISTRICTS—Authority Of Educational Service Districts To Issue Bonds
The word “instrument” in RCW 28A.310.200 is sufficiently broad to authorize educational service districts to issue bonds within the borrowing authority granted by that statute.
Educational service
AGO 2012 NO. 6 >
COUNTIES—COUNTY TREASURER—CHARTERS—Power Of County Legislative Authority To Suspend County Treasurer
1. The legislative authority of a charter county has the authority to suspend the county treasurer from office under RCW 36.29.090. RCW
AGO 2012 NO. 7 >
MEDICINE—PHYSICIANS—Application Of RCW 19.68.010 To Donations For Electronic Health Record
RCW 19.68.010, Washington’s anti-rebate statute, precludes a donation by a clinical laboratory to a physician for the purpose of paying a portion of the cost of software for the physician’s electronic health