Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

AGO 1989 NO. 1 >

1.RCW 58.09.040(1)(a) through (d) do not constitute an exclusive list of the surveys required by law to be filed.2.The Survey Recording Act (chapter 58.09 RCW) does not require the filing of a record of survey subsequent to the physical location of a boundary line between two existing corner monuments.3.The Survey Recording Act (chapter 58.09 RCW) requires the filing of a record of survey subsequent to the reestablishment of a corner position previously recorded in the county under a local law or ordinance; it does not matter whether the corner had previously been monumented.    

AGO 1975 NO. 12 >

RCW 58.08.040 does not require the payment of a deposit for anticipated property taxes upon the filing, pursuant to regulations adopted under RCW 58.17.060, of a "short plat" subsequent to May 31 in any year and prior to the date of collection of the taxes.

AGO 1970 NO. 14 >

A subdivision of land containing no dedication and no lots or tracts smaller than five acres in size may be made subject to the provisions of chapter 271, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess., if the county, city or town in which the land is situated enacts an ordinance so providing and it is not necessary that such an ordinance shall have been enacted prior to the effective date of the 1969 act.

AGO 1971 NO. 17 >

(1) The provisions of chapter 58.17 RCW, relating to plats and subdivisions, are applicable to mobile home parks where the ownership of an entire parcel remains in the developer or operator of the park, but the parcel is divided into five or more lots or sites for the purpose of renting the same to mobile home owners on a month-to-month basis. (2) The provisions of chapter 58.17 RCW, relating to plats and subdivisions, are also applicable where a developer or operator retains ownership of an entire parcel of land, but divides the same into five or more lots or sites for the purpose of renting the same on a nightly or weekly basis to the owners of campers, trailers, and such other mobile recreational and camping vehicles.

AGLO 1979 NO. 29 >

A county, under authority of RCW 58.17.060, may adopt an ordinance which would authorize the director of planning to approve a short plat containing dedications without submission of the dedications to the county commissioners for approval under RCW 58.17.070.

AGLO 1980 NO. 31 >

(1) A county auditor is legally authorized to reject records of survey which do not meet the requirements set forth in chapter 332-130 WAC, chapter 58.09 RCW and chapter 58.17 RCW.(2) A county auditor is required by RCW 58.17.190‑-prior to approval by the appropriate local legislative body‑-to refuse to accept for recordation any maps or representations which in fact constitute a "plat" of a "subdivision" required to be filed under chapter 58.17 RCW, and which otherwise contain a survey of such a subdivision.

AGO 1966 NO. 116 >

RCW 58.08.040, which requires a landowner to make a deposit of money in connection with the filing of a plat, does not apply to a replat filed under the provisions of chapter 58.12 RCW.

Opinion Search