(1) Port districts may enter labor agreements with unions when necessary, and may not withdraw unilaterally from such agreements in the absence of breach or legally recognized excuse for non-performance [[nonperformance]]. (2) Port districts have an independent duty to maintain services and must exercise reasonable diligence in preventing labor disputes which cause work stoppages if they are to avoid liability claims.
A water district must sell any property which will not be needed pursuant to the provisions of RCW 57.08.015 . The power to sell in any manner must be necessarily or fairly implied in or incidental to the broad power to sell which is granted by statute.
Elections for park and recreation district commissioners are to be held biennially in conjunction with the general election in November.
County assessor may require from a port district a full and accurate listing of all personal property it holds in storage on the assessment date regardless of whether such property is believed to be tax exempt.
A municipal corporation may not deposit or invest any of its funds in a savings account in any bank or mutual savings bank, or deposit or invest any of its funds in any other manner except pursuant to specific statutory authority.
1. A city of the first class newly incorporated from previously unincorporated territory may validly provide in its city charter for partisan elections, regardless of whether the city adopted a council-manager form of government. 2. Political parties represented at such partisan primary elections are those whose candidates received ten per cent of the total vote cast at the last preceding general election in the state.
(1) The board of trustees of a rural county library district is authorized to join the state retirement system. (2) The board of trustees of a rural county library district does not have the power to set up a pension program other than the state employees' retirement system.
Any elector may sign nominating petitions for more than one prospective commissioner of public utility district.
A city of the first class which neither owns nor maintains a museum and the exhibits therein may not donate municipal funds for its support.
A county ordinance imposing a classified density control in a residence district (R-1) of the county is constitutional.