Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGLO 1971 NO. 103 >

By recent letter you have requested an opinion of this office on a question which we paraphrase as follows:  Does the board of governors of the Washington State Bar Association constitute the governing body of a public agency for the purposes of chapter 250, Laws of 1971, 1st Ex. Sess., commonly known as the "open meetings act"?

AGLO 1970 NO. 103 >

We are in receipt of your letter dated July 8, 1970, inquiring as to the present status of your earlier request for our opinion on a question pertaining to the applicability of RCW 80.36.130 to the provision of free telephone services to any city or town.

AGLO 1971 NO. 104 >

We acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 2, 1971, requesting our opinion on the following questions:  "1. Is a union shop provision valid and enforceable in a county or municipality which does not operate under a civil service type system?  2. If your answer to question No. 1 is in the affirmative, is a union shop clause valid and enforceable in a county such as King which operates under a civil service type system?"

AGLO 1970 NO. 104 >

By a recent letter you have requested an opinion of this office on a question which we paraphrase as follows:            Under present state and federal law, together with implementing regulations, must the state department of social and health services (division of public assistance) provide general assistance, aid to families with dependent children and/or food stamp assistance to persons who are on strike or participating in a labor dispute if such persons meet the other economic qualifications and eligibility provisions of the applicable law and regulations?

AGLO 1971 NO. 105 >

This is written in response to your recent letter requesting our opinion regarding the legal effect of an apparent conflict between two statutes relating to the activities of members of the Washington State Pollution Control Hearings Board.

AGLO 1970 NO. 105 >

This is written in your response to your recent letter requesting our opinion on a question pertaining to an apparent conflict between RCW 59.12.170 and CR 62A.  We paraphrase your question as follows:

AGLO 1970 NO. 106 >

This is written in response to your recent letter requesting our opinion on a question pertaining to the recording of an instrument of conveyance with a County Auditor where the legal description of the subject property contained in the instrument is illegible.

AGLO 1971 NO. 106 >

This letter is written in response to your recent request for our opinion on two questions pertaining to the payment of disability leave allowances to members of the law enforcement officers' and fire fighters' retirement system under the provisions of RCW 41.26.120.  We paraphrase your questions as follows:

AGLO 1970 NO. 107 >

Thank you for your recent letter in response to ours of April 9, 1970, pertaining to your earlier request for our opinion as to the legal ownership status of a certain tract of land in King County, known as the Highland Community Park.

AGLO 1971 NO. 107 >

This is written in response to your recent letter requesting our opinion on a matter arising under the provisions of §§ 4 and 5 of chapter 288, Laws of 1971, 1st Ex. Sess.