Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Bob Ferguson

AGO 1959 NO. 1 >

The legislative budget committee has no statutory authority to audit the attendance records of public schools which receive state moneys.

AGO 1959 NO. 2 >

The legislature may not provide for the use of the principal assets of the permanent common school fund, scientific school permanent fund, university permanent fund, normal school permanent fund, agriculture college permanent fund, Millersylvania Park fund and C. E. P. & R. I. fund for capital outlay or current operations.

AGO 1965 NO. 2 >

If the legislature at its present session were to enact a law increasing the salaries of legislators effective for the terms commencing in January, 1967, the passage of such a law would not render the members of the legislature ineligible to seek re‑election [[reelection]].

AGO 1990 NO. 2 >

1.  When the Governor appoints a Director of Wildlife pursuant to RCW 43.17.020, to serve at the pleasure of the Governor, and notifies the Senate as required by RCW 43.06.030, the Governor has exercised the power of appointment.  The appointment is complete and effective unless the Senate rejects the appointment pursuant to RCW 43.06.092. 2.  If there is a vacancy in the office of Director of Wildlife, RCW 43.17.040 allows the Governor to make a temporary appointment by either leaving the chief assistant in charge of the department or appointing an acting director.  RCW 43.17.020 prohibits the Governor from leaving such a temporary appointee in charge of the Department of Wildlife for more than one year. 3.   If a Director of Wildlife, who is not a temporary director and has not been rejected by the Senate, resigns the office, the Governor may immediately reappoint the same individual to that office.

AGO 1978 NO. 2 >

that the timber excise tax imposed by RCW 82.04.291 will expire on
December 31, 1978, under existing legislation, if the legislature were
to reimpose the tax during its next (1979) regular session, effective
January 1, 1979, such an enactment would be constitutionally valid;
moreover, this would be so even if the rate of the tax as reimposed were
to be different than the present rate; however, in order to strengthen
the defensibility of any such legislation it is recommended that it be
enacted into law and signed by the governor on or before March 1, 1979.

AGO 2004 NO. 3 >

The gambling revolving fund is subject to the allotment process described in RCW 43.88, but for the purpose of assuring that the fund does not incur a cash deficit or that money in the fund is not spent contrary to law.

AGO 1982 NO. 3 >

Identification of the respective powers and responsibilities of the Joint Legislative Arts Committee, the State Capitol Committee, the Department of General Administration and the respective houses for the selection, acquisition and subsequent control over works of art in the Legislative Building.

AGO 1980 NO. 3 >

In the event that the state legislature, during its current (1980) session, increases the number of superior court judgeships within a given county, the state will be required by § 6(1) of Initiative No. 62 to reimburse that county for its added costs arising by reason of those new judgeships.

AGO 1976 NO. 3 >

(1) Neither the state public disclosure law (chapter 42.17 RCW) nor any other statute prohibits or restricts a municipal corporation or political subdivision from employing a lobbyist to be registered as such in accordance with RCW 42.17.150; however, such a person may only be employed pursuant to specific legal authority to expend municipal funds for lobbying purposes ‑ either in the form of a state statute or, in the case of a first class or other charter city, code city or charter county, appropriate local legislation.  (2) Only a municipal corporation or political subdivision which is thus authorized to expend its funds for lobbying purposes may, in turn, authorize its officers or employees to appear and testify at municipal expense before a committee of the legislature in support of or opposition to proposed or pending legislation.  (3) Nothing in the state public disclosure law (chapter 42.17 RCW) purports to restrict the ability of any committee or member of the state legislature to seek information or opinions from officers or employees of a municipal corporation or political subdivision.

AGO 1999 NO. 3 >

The Legislature may by law authorize the investment of moneys in the Permanent Common School Fund, and may define by statute the manner in which such funds may be invested.