Washington State

Office of the Attorney General

Attorney General

Nick Brown

Welcome to the Open Government Training web page of the Office of the Attorney General.

General Information & Instructions

Click on the dropdown boxes below for "General Information and Instructions." To take online training, scroll down to "Open Government Training Curriculum & Resources." For sample documentation, scroll down to "Last Step: Training Documentation."









Open Government Training Curriculum - Resources

Lesson (1) is a general overview.  Lesson (2) provides basic training and other resources on the Public Records Act. Those resources include a training video, PowerPoint, and other educational materials such as legislative updates. Lesson (3) provides training and other resources on the Open Public Meetings Act. Those resources include a training video, PowerPoint, and other educational materials such as legislative updates. Lesson (4) provides basic records retention and management training. Lesson (5) provides supplemental Public Records Act training, designed especially for Public Records Officers. See Q & A guidance above to learn which lessons agency officials and staff must take.


Last Step: Training Documentation

* Examples of other possible sources for training materials and/or speakers include the Washington Secretary of State’s Office (records management/retention), the Municipal Research and Services Center, the Association of Washington Cities, the Washington Association of County Officials, the Washington State Association of Counties, the Washington Association of Public Records Officers, the Washington State School Directors Association, the Washington Coalition for Open Government, and others.