The widow of a municipal fireman (covered under the provisions of chapter 41.18 RCW at the time of his death) whose death in line of duty or retirement for service connected disability occurred prior to July 1, 1969, is covered by § 33, chapter 209, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess.; accordingly, such a widow is entitled to have her monthly pension payable under RCW 41.18.100 annually increased by two percent, with the first increase becoming effective on July 1, 1969, or one year after commencement of payments, whichever is later. The annual post-retirement pension increase payable to the widow of a municipal fireman covered under the provisions of chapter 41.18 RCW at the time of his death in line of duty or following retirement for service connected disability, but who was still living and in service on July 1, 1969, when chapter 209, Laws of 1969, Ex. Sess., became effective, will be governed by the provisions of § 28 of that act, to the end that her annual two percent pension increases will be effective with each January pension payment she receives under that section.
Nick Brown